
  • 网络Wurttemberg;Baden-Wuerttemberg
  1. 例如巴登-符腾堡规定,大型车库中必须至少有10%的车位是位于入口附近的女性专属车位。

    City regulations in Baden Wurttemberg , for example , dictate that at least 10 % of parking spaces in big garages must be for women near entrances .

  2. 在巴登—符腾堡州,执政长达58年的基民盟(CDU)面临下台。

    In Baden-W ü rttemberg 58 years of government by the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU ) came to an end .

  3. 慕尼黑,巴登-符腾堡州和下萨克森成功的中小型企是受益于如BMW,西门子、戴姆勒、大众汽车等龙头企业的带动。

    The successful Mittelstand firms of Munich , Baden-W ü rttemberg and Lower Saxony have been pulled along by leaders such as BMW , Siemens , Daimler and Volkswagen .

  4. 现在,所有人都密切关注着三月份即将在巴登-符腾堡举行的区域选举。

    All eyes are now on a similar regional election in Baden-Wuerttemberg in March .

  5. 然而,巴登符腾堡州的官员却表示,这些文章是“合适的”,并为考试委员会辩护。

    Baden-Wurttemberg state officials , however , called the texts " appropriate " and defended the exam board .

  6. 德国总理默克尔在巴登-符腾堡州的区域选举中遭遇了耻辱性的结果。

    The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has suffered a humiliating result in a key regional election in the state of Baden-W ü rttemberg .

  7. 而事实上,她在星期五晚上,与符腾堡州爱乐乐团合作的最后作品系列音乐会上的出色表现,证明她确实做到了。

    In fact , she did so on Friday evening in her performance with the W ü rttemberg Philharmonic Orchestra in the last Work Concert of the Series .

  8. 符腾堡的叶夫根尼亲王从山上射击,他要求援军,援军尚未赶到。

    Prince Eugene of W ü rtemberg kept up a fire from the hills on the mob of French as they raced by , and asked for reinforcements , which did not come .