
fú hào biǎo
  • symbol table;legend;signary
符号表[fú hào biǎo]
  1. 用户C代码函数入口需要符号表

    User C code function entry requires symbol table

  2. 当前二进制翻译中通用的main函数定位方法依赖于符号表,随着strip工具的普遍应用,二进制可执行文件中往往不存在符号表。

    Nowadays , the common method of addressing the entry point of main relies on symbol table . With the widely use of strip utility , the binary file does not contain symbol table anymore .

  3. 在分析ATLAS关键字特点的基础上,提出将符号表技术引入LEX工具中,解决了这一问题。

    After analyzed characters of ATLAS keywords , symbol table was introduced to LEX to solve this problem .

  4. 接着分析了断点,符号表,调试代理等基本技术,然后着重分析了任务级调试技术,程序动态加载技术,TargetServer-TargetAgent等关键技术。

    After Breakpoint , Symbol table and Debugging Agent theory introduced , this thesis focuses on the key technologies involved in a task-level debugging tool , including task level debugging , dynamic loading , Target Server and Target agent .

  5. 采用了SSI应用程序接口机制,同时提出符号表的概念,使得用户界面的设计和底层产生逻辑相区分。

    SSI application interface and the concept of symbol table abstract the design of user interface from underground logic .

  6. 在表的查找算法的实现中,通过辅助表的引入,解决了符号表和常量表的顺序填写法与Hash算法中表项记录的Hash函数定位法之间的矛盾这一难点。

    To fulfill the searching algorithm of symbol table and constant table , an assistant table is introduced to solve the problem caused by the use of Hash algorithm .

  7. 要这样做,就使用未辨别的路径图符号表中的Value列的每一行中的Browse按钮(标记为省略号,或三个点),然后单击Refresh。

    To do this , use the Browse button ( which is labeled only with ellipses , or three dots ) in each row of the Value column in the unresolved path map symbol table , and then click Refresh .

  8. 首先设计程序功能模块、故障报警和符号表,然后完成了PLC主要程序包括主程序、软起动子程序、无功补偿子程序及触摸屏软件程序的设计,给出了程序流程图和触摸屏界面。

    The program function modules are designed at first , including fault alarm and symbol table . And then , the principal PLC programs are finished , including main program , soft-start subprogram , the reactive power compensation subprogram and touch screen software design .

  9. OCCL编译器中符号表的研究及设计

    Design of a symbol table in OCCL compiler

  10. 函数S1没有在当前文件中定义,因为编译器实际上并不知道这个外部函数在哪儿,我们现在把这个符号表项保留为空白。

    The function S1 is defined outside of the current file , and because the compiler doesn 't actually know where the external function is , we leave this part of the symbol table blank for now .

  11. 首先研究分析了编译器的技术,设计了ECMA解释器的总体方案,即采用语法驱动的一遍解释的方法把词法分析、符号表、语法分析、语义分析、代码生成组合在一起。

    Firstly researches and analyses the technology of the compiler , and designs the overall scheme of ECMA interpreter based on the way of interpreting once which puts morphological analysis , symbol table , syntactic analysis , semantic analysis and code together .

  12. 符号表印在图表的下方。

    The key is printed at the bottom of the diagram .

  13. 在完成机制可能使用解释器的符号表。

    The completion mechanism might use the interpreter 's symbol table .

  14. VAX/Ada调试符号表的形式化描述

    The formal description of debug symbol table for vax / ada

  15. 一种分程序结构符号表的组织方法

    A Symbol Table Organization Method for Block-Structured Language

  16. 这些关于函数的附加信息可以存储在符号表中。

    This additional information about the function can be stored in the symbol table .

  17. 对许多成熟的领域如符号表处理则建构成可再利用的元件。

    The mature domains such as symbol table handling can be constructed as reusable components .

  18. 被导入的模块的名称将被放入当前操作的模块的符号表中。

    The imported module names are placed in the importing module 's global symbol table .

  19. 要想找到宝藏,你就得仔细看那个符号表。

    To be able to find the treasure , you have to carefully follow the key .

  20. 当表达式执行,它从符号表中请求所需的值。

    When the expression is executing , it requests from the symbol table the values needed .

  21. 这门语言简单到甚至不需要有一个符号表来进行词法分析。

    The language is simple enough that it does not even require a symbol table to parse .

  22. 符号表存储了二进制文件中所有符号(函数)的细节。

    The symbol table stores the details of all the symbols ( functions ) in the binary .

  23. 文章提出了一种基于哈西表结构的符号表的符号作用域的表示方法&符号串来表示符号的作用域。

    A method of scope denotation expression in symbol table based on hash structure is put forward .

  24. 运行时期调试符号表

    Run-time debug symbol table

  25. 我们把符号表元素的值部分称作描述信息。

    We use the term descriptor , for the " value part of the symbol table element " .

  26. 所有的局部变量都存储在这个局部符号表中。

    More precisely , all variable assignments in a function store the value in the local symbol table ;

  27. 执行函数时会为局部变量引入一个新的符号表。

    The execution of a function introduces a new symbol table used for the local variables of the function .

  28. 在基于类库构造的编译器中,对符号表做了类化处理并采用了动态的多级结构,同时将语言语法和语义的处理相分离。

    In this approach , the symbol tables are abstracted as classes , using dynamic multiple levels of structures .

  29. 语义分析阶段主要处理静态语义检查及更新符号表的信息;

    Fourth , in stage of semantics analysis proceed static semantics checking and refresh the information in symbol table .

  30. 在分析过程中,符号表被频繁地用来建立表项、查找表项、填充和引用表项;

    In analysis process , the item is utilized to establish , seek , fill and reference form frequently ;