
  • 网络westphalia;North Rhine-Westphalia;Westphalian
  1. 三十年战争与《威斯特伐利亚和约》

    The Thirty-year War and the Peace Treaty of Westphalia ;

  2. 国际法之治认同威斯特伐利亚体系的基本架构,其进程取决于国际法。

    The rule of international law recognizes the fundamental framework of the Westphalia system and its process relies on international law .

  3. 在北莱茵威斯特伐利亚州,大花圈(Pfingstenkranz)被放置在这个镇的广场。

    In North Rhine-Westphalia , large wreaths ( Pfingstenkranz ) are placed in the town squares .

  4. 北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚政府议会大楼,杜塞尔多夫,德国

    State parliament of North - Rhine westphalia , duesseldorf , germany , 2004

  5. 他们互相访问,用葡萄酒、白兰地和香烟交换威斯特伐利亚黑面包、饼干和火腿。

    They visited each other and exchanged wine , cognac and cigarettes for Westphalian black bread , biscuits and ham .

  6. 威斯特伐利亚体系和维也纳体系的特征具体反映了欧洲统一性的近代内涵。

    The characteristic of the system of Westphalia and Vienna had reflected the connotation in modern times of the European unity .

  7. 你可以在德国的威斯特伐利亚省找到另一个拉博克镇,离科隆市不远。

    But you can find a Lubbock Town in the German province of Westphalia , not far from the city of Cologne .

  8. 基民盟与绿党在北莱茵-威斯特伐利亚州的结盟,将为2013年大选后两党在国家层面上的结盟铺平道路。

    CDU alliance with the Greens in North Rhine-Westphalia could pave the way for something similar at federal level after the2013 election .

  9. 根据威斯特伐利亚条约,人们关注国家主权问题,即为确保和平,不能干涉国家主权。

    Following the treaty of Westphalia there was a focus on the question of state sovereignty , implying non-intervention , to secure peace .

  10. 在我上次撰文讲述威斯特伐利亚秩序的回归后,一些读者问到,那样会出现什么问题。

    When I last wrote about the return of a Westphalian order , some readers responded by asking what would be wrong with that .

  11. 从这个角度来看,欧元的出现,仅仅是构建后威斯特伐利亚秩序过程中的一段插曲但也是最重要的一段插曲。

    Seen in this light , the advent of the euro is just an episode a most significant one in the building of a post-Westphalian order .

  12. 经济全球化对威斯特伐利亚体系所确立的传统的民族国家主权进行着挑战,但并未导致主权的终结。

    Though Economic globalization challenges the sovereignty of the traditional nation-states established by the Westphalia System , it does not lead to the end of sovereignty .

  13. 民族国家的建立和发展经历威斯特伐利亚体系、维也纳体系、凡尔赛&华盛顿体系和雅尔塔体系四个体系,每个体系展现不同的特点。

    The establishment and development of nation-states experienced four systems : Westphalia system , Vienna system , Versailles-Washington system and Yalta system . Each has different characteristics .

  14. 论文中认为自三十年战争后的《威斯特伐利亚和约》订立后,民族国家的雏形主权国家完全确立。

    Thesis that since the Thirty Years War in the " Peace of Westphalia " entered into after the rudiments of the nation-state " sovereign state " fully established .

  15. 攻击者看到了两者的不相容,但他们错误地以为,是欧元、而非威斯特伐利亚教义,最终会受到最大的伤害。

    The attackers saw the incompatibility , but were mistaken in their belief that it was the euro , rather than the Westphalian dogma , that would emerge most damaged .

  16. 在国际社会发展与变迁过程中,世界政治历经威斯特伐利亚格局、维也纳格局、凡尔赛格局和雅尔塔格局,世界政治格局形式发生了几次重大的变化,这些变化与社会进步的要求相适应。

    The Relationship Between the Evolution of the Worldwide Political Structure and the Progress of the Society The worldwide political structure experienced several great changes in the international development and the vicissitudes of the society .

  17. 作者认为,国际刑事法院的普遍管辖权体现了自由主义国际秩序的基本价值,是当代国际法治从威斯特伐利亚法治模式向自由主义法治模式转变的重要标志。

    The author argues that the universal jurisdiction of the ICC reflects the primary value of the liberal international order , and the ICC represents a shift from a Westphalian to a liberal-legalist model of international rule of law .