
  • 网络salzburg;Salzburg,Austria;SZG
  1. 萨尔茨堡是个风景非常秀丽的游览之地。

    Salzburg is an outstandingly beautiful place to visit

  2. 在很多方面,这都是种童话般的生活。夏天在萨尔茨堡度过。周末在康涅狄格打猎。

    In many ways it was a storybook life . Summers in Salzburg . Weekends hunting in Connecticut

  3. 最初有传言称,2009年萨尔茨堡国际美术展(SalzburgWorldFineArtFair)已经被取消,但很快被坚决否认。

    First there was a rumour that the Salzburg World Fine Art Fair 2009 had been cancelled , swiftly followed by a robust denial .

  4. 国际莫扎特基金会是一个非盈利性的私人组织,由萨尔茨堡当地居民成立于1880年,其主要目的是为了保存莫扎特遗物,DNA测试所用的头骨就是由它提供的。

    The foundation , a private nonprofit organization that works to preserve Mozart 's legacy , was founded in1880 by Salzburg residents and made the skull available for the DNA tests .

  5. 靠这门手艺谋生很难,但我希望自己2月赢得的一个冠军能有所帮助&在萨尔茨堡的世界标本锦标赛(WorldTaxidermyChampionship)上,我被评为最佳鱼标本剥制师。

    It 's hard to earn a living with this job , but I hope the title I won in February will help – I was named best fish taxidermist at the World Taxidermy Championship in Salzburg .

  6. 当年我在奥地利萨尔茨堡火车站见到的情形现在想来已经很遥远了。当时刚有消息称:在保罗沃克尔(PaulVolcker)的敦促下,理查德尼克松(RichardNixon)宣布让美元自由浮动。

    We have come a long way from the scene I witnessed in Salzburg railway station when news broke that President Richard Nixon had floated the dollar ( at the urging of one Paul Volcker ) .

  7. 但正如美术展的所有人驻日内瓦和萨尔茨堡的布鲁斯拉马什(brucelamarche)所解释的那样:“由于经济危机的影响,我失去了3个赞助商,并且未能从当地政府获得足够的支持。”

    But as its owner , Geneva - and salzburg-based Bruce LAMARCHE , explains : " with the crisis I lost three sponsors , and failed to get enough support from the local authorities , who own the Residenz . "

  8. 萨尔茨堡会议&爱因斯坦进入物理学家核心层的开端

    Salzburg conferences & the beginning Einstein entered the physicist core layer

  9. 考虑到人类发展的调整和增长萨尔茨堡声明;

    Salzburg statement on adjustment and growth with human development ;

  10. 莫扎特的名字是与萨尔茨堡城联系在一起的。

    The name of Mozart is coupled with the city of Salzburg .

  11. 我可能在萨尔茨堡和别人下车。

    I 'd probably gotten off the train in Salzburg with someone else .

  12. 萨尔茨堡的迷人之处主要在于莫扎特和影片《音乐之声》。

    The main obsessions in Salzburg are Mozart and The Sound of Music .

  13. 巴尼·萨尔茨堡:我并不知道关于标准化考试的讨论。

    Barney Salzberg : I wasn 't aware of the standardized testing hubbub .

  14. 生产铝合金棒坯的一种先进设备&萨尔茨堡铝业公司的水平连铸设备

    An advanced horizontal caster for aluminium bar production

  15. 国际法学会萨尔茨堡决议

    Salzburg Resolution of the Institute of International Law

  16. 莫扎特的出生地是萨尔茨堡。

    Mozart 's birthplace is Salzburg .

  17. 随后,在古利特位于奥地利萨尔茨堡的第二处住所也发现了逾200件作品。

    More than 200 works were subsequently found at his second home in Salzburg , Austria .

  18. 中午时分他到了上萨尔茨堡,把这个消息告诉了戈林。

    At noon he arrived on the Obersalzberg and delivered his news to the Reich marshal .

  19. 2004年,位于萨尔茨堡塞巴斯蒂安墓地的莫扎特家族墓穴被打开,这几块用作实验的骨头便由此获得。

    The bones were recovered when a Mozart family grave was opened in2004 at Salzburg 's Sebastian Cemetery .

  20. 其中小提琴协奏曲以前五首最为著名,被称为五首萨尔茨堡协奏曲。

    Violin Concerto in the previous five most famous , known as the " five Salzburg Concerto " .

  21. 后他在前往维也纳发展前,将此琴留给了在萨尔茨堡的姐姐。

    Later , before he went to Vienna , he gave the violin to his sister in Salzburg .

  22. 萨尔茨堡老城在1996年被联合国科教文组织列入世界文化遗产的名单。

    Salzburg Old City in1996 by the United Nations organizations included in the UNESCO world cultural heritage list .

  23. 温哥华击败了韩国的平昌和奥地利的萨尔茨堡,举办了加拿大的第三次奥运会。

    Vancouver beat Pyeongchang , South Korea , and Salzburg , Austria , to host Canada 's third Olympics .

  24. 我们带着两场平局从萨尔茨堡和博洛尼亚回来了,说真的,这个结果低于我们的预期。

    We are back from Salzburg-Bologna double transfer with two ties , actually , less then we 've expected .

  25. 蒂罗尔州被萨尔茨堡州分成了两个部分。

    The state is split into two parts called North Tyrol and East Tyrol by the state of Salzburg .

  26. 里奥珀尔德是萨尔茨堡大主教的宫廷音乐家,1763年担任管弦乐队的副指挥。

    Leopold was a court musician to the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg , and by1763 held the post of deputy Kapellmeister .

  27. 事实上我也许会在萨尔茨堡和别人下车。

    Actually , I think I 'd probably have gotten off the train in Salzburg with someone else.Oh , yeah ?

  28. 瑞士的伯尔尼、日内瓦和苏黎士以及奥地利的萨尔茨堡、因斯布鲁克和克拉根福都将承办此次赛事。

    The Swiss cities of Bern , Geneva and Zurich will also host matches along with Austria 's Salzburg , Innsbruck and Klagenfurt .

  29. 萨尔茨堡也是指挥家赫伯特·冯·卡拉扬的故乡,电影《音乐之声》的拍摄地。

    Salzburg is also conductor Herbert von Karajan 's hometown , and the movie " The Sound of Music " in the shooting .

  30. 我承认,是电影《音乐之声》把我吸引到萨尔茨堡这里来的,这座城市令我完全沉醉其中,那种沉醉程度连我自己也觉得惊讶。

    I confess , I was attracted to Salzburg by The Sound of Music , but I was surprised how completely charmed I was by the city .