
  • 网络Savoy;Savoie
  1. 沿着沙滩向前走,直到你看见在你右侧的萨伏依为止。

    Go along the Strand till you see the Savoy on your right .

  2. 但真正给我留下印象的是盟友萨伏依对我的援助。

    But what impressed me the most was how Savoy my ally , acted in assisting me .

  3. 以柯布西耶的精典建筑施沃布别墅、加尔西别墅、萨伏依别墅为例,探讨其全新建筑设计中的人体美学、人体工学和机器美学。

    The paper discusses the physical aesthetics , the ergonomics and the machine esthetics of building design by taking examples of Siwobo Villa , Woxi Villa and Safui Villa .

  4. 仪仗队自身把原因归结为,萨伏依国王在意大利年轻一代心目中的地位在降低,他们说,这些年轻人已经忘记了爱国主义这样的价值观。

    The guards themselves attribute the decline to the waning commitment to the Savoy kings among a younger generation of Italians who they say have forgotten values like patriotism .

  5. 罗马——136年来,万神殿皇陵仪仗队一直守卫着曾经统治意大利的萨伏依王朝国王的遗骸,向这个曾经不可一世的王朝表达朴素而庄重的敬意,纪念他们在国家统一过程中扮演的角色。

    ROME - For 136 years , the Honor Guard to the Royal Tombs of the Pantheon has stood watch over the mortal remains of the Savoy kings who formerly ruled Italy , paying a discreet , sober tribute to a once-powerful dynasty in recognition of its role in unifying the country .