
  • 网络sudbury;YSB
  1. StephenWalters拥有160名员工,年销售额约为700万英镑,其中半数产品供应出口。萨德伯里的其它丝绸厂商都有出口业务。

    Stephen Walters has 160 staff and sales of about 7m a year of which half are exports – a division shared by the other Sudbury companies .

  2. 双方的紧张关系于去年7月达到顶峰:钢铁工人联合会(UnitedSteelworkersunion)的3100多名会员在Inco位于安大略省萨德伯里的旗舰部门与靠近尼亚加拉瀑布的冶炼厂发动罢工。

    The tensions came to a head last July when more than 3,100 members of the United Steelworkers union went on strike at Inco 's flagship operations in Sudbury , Ontario , and a refinery near Niagara Falls .

  3. 这些深地实验室包括:位于美国南卡罗来纳州里德一座废弃金矿里的桑福德地下研究所(SanfordUndergroundResearchFacility),位于意大利同名山脉下的格兰萨索国家实验室,位于加拿大安大略省的萨德伯里中微子观测站(SudburyNeutrinoObservatory),

    the Gran Sasso National Laboratory , beneath the mountain of that name in Italy ; the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Ontario , Canada ;

  4. Inco是淡水河谷在巴西以外实施的首次重要收购。阿格内利表示,困难主要在萨德伯里,主要是跟工会。

    Inco was Vale 's first important acquisition outside Brazil and Mr Agnelli says the difficulties " are specifically in Sudbury , with the union " .

  5. 它想提高萨德伯里工人获得镍价挂钩奖金的门槛,并将Inco的养老金计划从固定收益转变为固定缴款模式。

    It wants to raise the threshold at which the Sudbury workers become eligible for the nickel bonus and to convert Inco 's pension plan from a defined benefit to a defined contribution model .

  6. 加拿大萨德伯里铜镍硫化矿床的成因探讨

    Genesis of Cu - Ni Sulfide Deposits in Sudbury , Canada

  7. 它们让她在萨德伯里附近干活

    And they had her working at a site near Sudbury .

  8. 该公司在萨德伯里拥有120名雇员,年销售额为1200万英镑。

    Silk Industries employs 120 in Sudbury and has annual sales of 12m .

  9. 对加拿大萨德伯里撞击构造的考察及其启示

    Survey to Sudbury impact structure and Its Enlightenment

  10. 一位纺织品设计师质疑萨德伯里丝绸面料的质量是否值如此高价。

    One Textiles Designer wonders whether the quality of the fabric from Sudbury is worth the price .

  11. 我也希望我们能住在乡下但萨德伯里已经没有能赚钱的工作了

    I also wish we could have stayed out in the country , but there are no good jobs in Sudbury .

  12. 但在英国萨福克风景如画的萨德伯里地区,三家古老的英国丝绸纺织厂却在全球纺织行业激烈竞争的背景下,成功的撑起了自己的一片天空。

    But a venerable trio of English silk weavers in the picture-postcard enclave of Sudbury in Suffolk are managing to hold their own against tough competition in the international textiles business .

  13. 一八四九年春天我跟一个住在萨德伯里,最靠近这湖沼的人谈过一次话,他告诉我十年或十五年之前把这棵树拿走的正是他自己。

    In the spring of '49 I talked with the man who lives nearest the pond in Sudbury , who told me that it was he who got out this tree ten or fifteen years before .

  14. 萨德伯里生产的一块1米长、140厘米宽的丝绸,取决于图案密度、色彩和纱线的品级,售价可能在40英镑到300英镑之间。

    A piece of Sudbury-woven silk 1 metre long and 140 cm wide is likely to sell for anything between 40 to 300 depending on factors such as density of pattern , colour and type of yarn .