
  • 网络salazar;Ken Salazar;António de Oliveira Salazar;Oliveira Salazar
  1. 即便是希腊的上校们、佛朗哥(franco)、墨索里尼(mussolini)或萨拉查(salazar)也会很难按所需的力度削减名义薪资。

    Even the Greek colonels , Franco , Mussolini or Salazar would have been hard put to reduce nominal wages on the scale required .

  2. 早在耐克关闭俄勒冈项目之前,萨拉查就在体育界引起了争议。

    Mr Salazar had been a divisive figure in athletics long before Nike eventually closed the Oregon Project .

  3. 萨拉查指挥着新埃斯帕塔青年管弦乐团的70至80名乐手,这里一半以上的人都比他大。

    Salazar has between 70 and 80 musicians at his command in the Youth Orchestra of Nueva Esparta , more than half of whom are older than him .

  4. 打萨拉查记事起,尼拉就一直在读经济学,他觉得跟孙女上同一所大学是一件再正常不过的事情。

    Neira has been studying economics for as long as Salazar can remember , and felt it was totally normal to be attending the same college as him .

  5. 美国国国土安全部部长珍妮特和内政部秘书萨拉查在一份联合声明中说,这项技术并不能完全解决问题。

    " This technique is not a solution to the problem ," Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said in a joint statement .

  6. 据英国《卫报》报道,14岁男孩何塞•安杰尔•萨拉查最近被任命为委内瑞拉一个青年交响团的指挥,他很可能是世界上最年轻的指挥家。

    At 14 , and recently appointed as director of a Venezuelan youth orchestra , Jose Angel Salazar may well be the youngest conductor in the world , the Guardian reported .

  7. 现在在读文科的萨拉查表示,爷爷因为踏实的性格在学校很受欢迎。尽管比班里大多数人都要年长好几十岁,他也是第一个跟同学开玩笑逗乐子的人。

    Salazar , who is studying for a liberal arts major , said her grandpa is popular due to his down-to-earth nature and is first to crack a joke with classmates , despite being decades older than most of them .