• arrowroot;kudzu vine;Pueraria lobota;a kind of textile fabric
  • 多年生草本植物,茎可编篮做绳,纤维可织布,块根肥大,称“葛根”,可制淀粉,亦可入药(通称“葛麻”):~布。~巾(葛布做的头巾,古人不分贵贱常服)。~履。

  • 表面有花纹的纺织品,用丝做经,棉线或麻线等做纬。

  • 姓。


{植} (豆科藤草本植物) Pueraria lobota; kudzu vine:

  • 瓜葛

    creeping vines; complicated relations;

  • 纠葛

    quarrels; disputes


(表面有花纹的纺织品) a kind of textile fabric:

  • 毛葛


  1. 葛中重金属元素铅和镉的分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation of Lead and Cadmium of Kudzu Vine

  2. 定量分析了葛不同品种不同部位主要有机营养成分和葛中锌、铅、镉的含量。

    The contents of main organic nutrition of different parts of different kudzu vine varieties were analyzed , as well as the contents of zine , lead and Cadmium .

  3. 长长的藤葛盘绕在树身上。

    Long vines twine round the tree .

  4. 他说:“提出这一想法的是一位斯多葛派晢学家,名叫爱比克泰德”。

    " The individual who promoted this idea was a Stoic philosopher.His name is Epictetus , " he says .

  5. 我是可怜的本·葛恩,他继续说,我一个人在这儿三年了。

    Poor Ben Gunn , he went on.Alone for three years .

  6. 我想起本·葛恩和我分手前的最后一句话。

    I remembered Ben Gunn 's last words to me .

  7. 大夫讲完以后,我给他们讲了我的历险,以及遇见本·葛恩的事。

    After the doctor had finished , I told them my story , andabout Ben Gunn .

  8. 本·葛恩一看见木屋上飘着的英国旗就对我说:

    As soon as Ben Gunn saw the English flag flying over thehouse , he said ,

  9. 洛葛仙妮在家中有一个客房,但从来没有客人在那里过夜。

    Example : Roxanne has a guest room in her home that no guest has ever slept in .

  10. 我去看看本·葛恩的小船。也许我们什么时候用得着它。

    I would go and look for Ben Gunn 's boat ! Perhaps we would need it some time .

  11. 那船又转了个方向,一点一点向本·葛恩的船靠拢过来,显得又大又危险。

    Then the ship turned again , big and dangerous as she came closer and closer to Ben Gunn 's little boat .

  12. b葛奴乙决定继续他的旅程,前往格拉斯。

    B.Grenouille decided to proceed with his journey to Grasse .

  13. 葛属植物基因组DNA的提取和纯化

    Extraction and Purification of Pueraria DC genomic DNA

  14. R,R-(-)-蝙蝠葛苏林碱的全合成

    Total synthesis of r , r - ( - ) - daurisoline

  15. Q型信息群分辅助设计蝙蝠葛碱衍生物

    Q-model information cluster analysis assisted design of Dauricine derivatives

  16. RAPD技术在葛属药用植物分类和鉴定中的应用

    Classification and Authentication of Plant Pueraria DC in China Using RAPD

  17. 静注蝙蝠葛碱对兔血小板和血浆cAMP含量无明显影响。

    It did not influence the levels of cAMP of platelets and plasma in rabbits .

  18. 方法应用MTT法测定了蝙蝠葛碱对泌尿系肿瘤细胞增殖反应的影响;

    The proliferation of T-24 cells was assayed with MTT colorimetric method .

  19. 在这本书中,作者马建忠首次将西洋语法葛郎玛(Grammar)引进汉语语文学研究。

    In this book , the author Ma Jianzhong has for the first time introduced the Western grammar into Chinese philological studies .

  20. 葛汁饮料生产加工中HACCP的应用研究

    Application of HACCP in Puerariae Drink

  21. 采用SDS裂解法提取了葛属植物成熟叶片的基因组DNA,并利用凝胶纯化试剂盒进行了纯化。

    Genomic DNA of mature leaf in pueraria DC is extracted in SDS method . And the DNA is purified with DNA gel Extraction kit .

  22. 大别山野葛HPLC指纹图谱库的构建及其植物化学物对乙醇神经毒性保护作用的研究

    HPLC Fingerprint Data Establishment for Pueraria Lobata ( Willd ) Ohwi in DABIE Mountains and Study on the Protection Effects of Its Phytochemicals Against Ethanol-induced Neurotoxicity

  23. 蝙蝠葛活性成分对人肺癌A549细胞株诱导凋亡和抗增殖作用的实验研究

    Experimental Studies of the Menispermum Dauricum on Anti-Proliferation and Inducing Apoptosis of Human Lung Cancer A549 Cell Line

  24. 葛根(Pueraria)就是植物葛的块状根茎,富含淀粉与一些功能性成分。

    Pueraria is the massive root of pueraria lobota rich in starch and functional ingredients .

  25. 目的:研究蝙蝠葛苏林碱在beagle犬体内的药动学与药效学之间的关系。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of daurisoline ( DS ) in beagle dogs .

  26. 结论:蝙蝠葛酚性碱通过减轻脂质过氧化所造成的损伤及提高SOD活性,对心脑缺血再灌注损伤具有一定的保护作用。

    CONCLUSION : PAMd could attenuate the injury induced by lipid peroxidation and enhance the activity of SOD , thus PAMd might play a protective role in simultaneous myocardial-cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury .

  27. 目的研究不同给药途径及剂量的蝙蝠葛碱(Dau)在犬体内药代动力学特征。

    Aim To study the pharmacokinetic characters of Dauricine in dogs .

  28. ±500kV葛南直流输电设备外绝缘运行概况及分析

    Operation and analysis of external insulation of ± 500 kV Ge Nan transmission equipments

  29. SEC的审查引发了好莱坞的不安,但葛尔方表示,Imax以及公司自身的扩张计划并未受到影响。

    The SEC scrutiny caused unease in Hollywood but Mr Gelfond says there has been no impact on Imax or its own expansion plans .

  30. 结果:与生理盐水组比较,空白对照组、改良产品组和金葛露组的ALT含量都存在极显著性差异;

    RESULTS : Compares with the physiological saline group , blank compare group , the improvement product group and VECO group 's ALT content all has the extremely remarkable difference ;