
  • 网络Grape seed;Grape Seed Extract
  1. 葡萄子油及原花青素研究与开发利用

    A review of studies on grape seed oil and proanthocyanidins

  2. 介绍了用超临界CO2萃取法制取高质量的葡萄子油和应用夹带剂提取葡萄子中的原花青素的方法。分析了葡萄子的综合开发的应用前景。

    The analysis method of the composition of grape seed oil , content determination of proanthocyanidins , high quality grape seed oil extraction with supercritical fluid CO2 and proanthocyanidins extraction with modifier are discussed .

  3. 葡萄子粕营养成分的分析与研究

    An analysis of and Study on the nutritive components of grape-seed flour

  4. 葡萄子原花青素对糖尿病大鼠心肌超微结构的影响

    Changes of myocardial ultrastructure induced by grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts in STZ diabetic rats

  5. 以葡萄子为原料,用SZY&07型脂肪分析测定仪提取葡萄子油。

    The grape seed oil is extracted from the grape seed and determined by type SZY-07 fat analyser .

  6. 葡萄子原花青素对高糖条件下载脂蛋白A-Ⅰ合成及表达的影响

    Effect of Grape Seed Proanthocyanidins Extracts on Synthesis and Expression of Apolipoprotein A - ⅰ under Condition of High Glucose

  7. 葡萄风信子叶片、鳞茎不定芽再生体系的建立

    Study on Muscari botryoides Mill Leaf and Bulb Adventitious Bud Regenerating System

  8. 设计和构建了葡萄病害诊断子系统。

    Designed and constructed the grape diseases diagnostic subsystem .

  9. 一开始,他将硬币存放在装葡萄的木箱子里,但在硬币的重压下,箱子板开始断裂。于是,他把那些零钱又转移到了两个钢铁材质的军用火箭发射装置箱里。

    At first he kept them in a grape crate , but he had to move the loose change into a pair of steel military rocket launcher ammo boxes when the wood of the crate began to break under the weight of the coins .

  10. 葡萄皮和葡萄子的综合利用

    Utilization of Grape Skin and Grape Sub - comprehensive

  11. 而在酿造白葡萄酒时,会将葡萄的茎、子和皮都去掉,因此酒中就没有了丹宁酸。

    In making white wine the skins , stems and seeds of the grapes are removed and hence there is no tannin .