
  • 网络Dombey and Son;Dombey & Son
  1. 可是对董贝父子公司来说,一个女儿算得了什么呢!

    But what was a girl to Dombey and Son !

  2. 董贝父子公司经常经营皮革生意,但却从来不经营心的生意。

    Dombey and Son had often dealt in hides , but never in hearts .

  3. 普通的缩略语在他的眼中有了新的意义,而且只和他们有关系:A.D与annoDomini(公元)无关,而只是代表annoDombei-andSon(董贝父子纪元)。

    Common abbreviations took new meanings in his eyes , and had sole reference to them.A.D.had no concern with Anno Domini , but stood for anno Dombei and Son .

  4. 是《董贝父子》,还是《董贝父女》?&狄更斯笔下的进步和异化

    Dombey and Son , or Dombey and Daughter & TheProgressand Alienation under the Pen of Dickens

  5. 在狄更斯的小说《董贝父子》中,穿越伦敦的铁路是毁灭与死亡的阴险代理人;

    In Dickens 's Dombey and Son , the railways which carve their way through London are sinister agents of destruction and death .

  6. 土地创造出来是为了给董贝父子去经营商业的;

    The earth was made for Dombey and Son to trade in , and the sun and moon were made to give them light .

  7. 不得不想到他的父亲、董贝父子公司、沃尔特和他那可怜的、年老的、得到了他所需要的钱的舅舅,以及那位声音粗哑,有一只铁手的船长。

    of his father ; Dombey and Son , Walter with the poor old Uncle who had got the money he wanted , and that gruff - voiced Captain with the iron hand .

  8. 威廉斯和马库斯在探讨《董贝父子》中的铁路意象时没有对以下问题作出充分的回答:狄更斯关注的焦点是什么?

    Raymond Williams and Steven Marcus have failed , in their analysis of the image of the railroad in Dombey and Son , to give adequate answers to the following questions : What is the focus of Dickens ' concern ?

  9. 沃尔特脑子里盘旋着各种不切实际的发财致富的办法,好使木制海军军官候补生处于独立的地位,一边露出比平时更沉重的神色,向董贝父子公司的营业所走去。

    and Walter , revolving in his thoughts all sorts of impracticable ways of making fortunes and placing the wooden Midshipman in a position of independence , betook himself to the offices of Dombey and Son with a heavier countenance than he usually carried there .