
  1. 作者通过讽刺手法对家喻户晓的童话故事进行了新的诠释。

    The writer takes wellknown fairy tales and gives them an ironical twist .

  2. 杂文中讽刺手法的运用。

    The utilization of satirical means in satirical essays .

  3. 该剧在艺术手法上也有诸多出色之处,主要表现在情节构思、人物塑造、讽刺手法的运用等方面。

    This drama has distinguished artistic technique , which is reflected in hatching plot , portraying figures and in satirical techniques .

  4. 第一部分是在选词的层面上探讨作者的讽刺手法,以及平易风格所起的作用。

    The first is a discussion of Swift ' smeans and the function of the plain style on a diction level .

  5. 本文分析《抽彩》的冲突、背景、人物塑造、象征和讽刺手法。

    The paper appreciates literary devices such as conflicts , setting , characterization , symbolism and irony in the " The lottery " .

  6. 而这种讽刺手法是建构在语言文字板块之中,其讽刺意义也是来自不同的语言风格。

    However , the very irony has been involved in the literature language ; the ironic meaning comes from the distinct language style .

  7. 这部短片运用了与巨蟒组喜剧团和《辛普森一家》类似讽刺手法,在互联网上掀起了一股意想和不可遏止的热潮。

    Using satiric elements similar to Monty Python and the Simpsons ,( 1 ) the spoof has flooded cyberspace in unanticipated and unstoppable waves .

  8. 在不同的作品中,所采用的讽刺手法,会因讽刺的强度不一样,致使讽刺的程度不一样。

    In different articles , there might have varying ironic degrees for the ironic strength , although the same ironic ways have been adopted .

  9. 创作题材的多样化、对话建构小说的主体、讽刺手法的灵活运用以及边缘化人物形象的塑造等等组合出富有特色的王朔作品。

    The diversification of the subject matter , subject , flexible application of irony , and marginalized personage image compose Wang Shuo 's characteristic work .

  10. 但是由于作家的个性、气质及中西方文化的差异,他们运用的讽刺手法又各具特色。

    However , due to differences in the authors'personality , disposition and cultural background , each author has his own unique skills in writing and characteristics of satire .

  11. 他们从运用讽刺手法的原因、目的、原则以及讽刺技法的使用等方面对《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术进行了全面的分析。

    They researched the satiric art completely in " The Informal History of Intellectuals " on several aspects : the reason , the significance , the principle and the techniques .

  12. 英国小说家威廉。戈尔丁在小说《蝇王》中运用了讽刺手法来探究人性本恶,从而阐明了人类战争的根源。

    William Golding , a British writer , has employed sarcasm in his classic tale " Lord of the Flies " to explore the nature of human beings and the root of wars .

  13. 另外,通过分析其独特的讽刺手法、大量的心理独白、对民间说唱艺术的吸收等方面,分析了其别具特色的叙事艺术。

    Through the expressing methods , the background of the author and the goal of creation , analyzed the marvelous narrative art through the unique sarcastic technics , plenty of psychological depiction , comprehensive absorption in folk art and so on .

  14. 用嘲笑讽刺挖苦手法的人。

    Uses ridicule irony sarcasm .

  15. 在《城堡》这部作品中,卡夫卡同样以一种寓言式的写作风格,通过讽刺的手法进行表达。

    In The Castle , Kafka by using of fable style of writing writes his style of satire .

  16. 《伟大的盖茨比》以讽刺的手法和哀婉的笔触讲述了主人公杰·盖茨比所代表的美国梦的神话。

    The Great Gatsby relates irony and pathos of the legendary of the American Dream represented by the protagonist Jay Gatsby .

  17. 菲利普·罗斯1959年发表的中篇小说《再见,哥伦布》以讽刺的手法描写了美国社会中的阶级和宗教问题,书中还另外收录了五个短篇小说。

    The novella Goodbye , Columbus catapulted Roth onto the American literary scene in 1959 with its satirical depiction of class and religion in American life .

  18. 试析外国文学作品中讽刺的表现手法

    On the ironic technique in foreign literature

  19. 这是具有历史意义和现实意义的。该剧在语言运用和象征、讽刺性模拟手法的运用方面独具特色。

    The play was featured for its language use and mimic writing style of symbolism and sarcasm .

  20. 海勒的《第二十二条军规》运用讽刺暴露等手法,无情地揭露和鞭挞了战争的荒谬和不道德以及美国社会的黑暗和罪恶。

    《 The22th Military Discipline 》 by Heller employs sarcastic technique , reveals the war 's absurdity and abnormality and the evil of American society .

  21. 国内大多数的研究都从幽默和讽刺的写作手法这一角度出发,或是研究社会政治背景和文化冲突在《幸运的吉姆》中的表现。

    Many the domestic criticisms are from the points of view of the employment of comic and satiric writing style , the sociopolitical background and cultural conflict in Lucky Jim .

  22. 他的作品题材广泛,以亦庄亦谐、讽刺幽默的手法,深刻地批判了现代资本主义社会中的阴暗面,将华夏文学的神韵与西方文学的创作技法融为一体。

    His works with wide range of subjects and with humor and satirical style deeply criticize the dark side of the modern capitalist society and combine the Chinese culture with the western literature .

  23. 抗战漫画宣传具有鲜明的目的性和战斗性,并且形式灵活多样,以讽刺与幽默的手法进行抗日宣传。

    The Anti-Japanese War caricature with flexible and multiple forms , which was used to Anti-Japanese Propaganda by satire and humor , has its distinct purpose and militancy .

  24. 奈保尔在三部作品中对第三世界的贫穷与落后进行了尖刻的描叙,经常可以看到关于黑暗意象的书写,而且语言上也频现辛辣的讽刺和多种修辞手法的使用。

    Naipaul describes the poverty and underdevelopment in the Third World countries in a sarcastic style , which is often shown in the images of " darkness " in his works . In addition , Naipaul frequently uses irony , and various rhetorical devices in his writing .

  25. 鲜明的对比形成强烈的讽刺&谈《儒林外史》的讽刺手法之一

    A Striking Contrast to Form a Strong Satire

  26. 奇特的想象,绝妙的讽刺&《格列佛游记》和《镜花缘》讽刺手法之比较

    Queer Imagination , Unique Satire & A Comparison of the Techniques of Satire Between Gulliver 's Travels And Flowers in the Mirror