
  • 网络American Realism
  1. 略论美国现实主义法律思想的兴起

    On the Rise of American Realism Legal Thought

  2. 亨利.詹姆斯是19世纪美国现实主义文学的三大倡导者之一。

    Henry James is one of the three pioneers of American Realism in the 19th century .

  3. 其中具有开创性地位的是美国现实主义法律运动干将&LeonGreen教授。

    The most seminal one was proposed by Professor Leon Green , the famous pioneer in the legal realism campaign in America .

  4. 美国现实主义和符号学的创立者、著名的哲学家皮尔斯区分了三种符号:象似符、标记符、象征符。

    Founder of American practicalism and semiotics , the famous philosopher , C.

  5. 20世纪美国现实主义小说的发展与复兴

    The development and revival of 20th century American realistic fiction

  6. 他被认为是19世纪美国现实主义文学的重要代表人物之一。

    He is considered as one of the key figures of the 19th century realism in American literature .

  7. 美国现实主义法律思想是在特定的时代背景下,以实用主义哲学为理论基础而兴起的。

    The rise of American realism legal thought , based on pragmatism theoretically , is under particular background of the times .

  8. 女作家伊迪丝·华顿是20世纪早期美国现实主义文学最重要的代表之一。

    American woman writer , Edith Wharton is one of the leading-American figures of Realism at the beginning of the 20th century .

  9. 他主要针对实证主义法学,特别是新分析法学以及美国现实主义法学区分实际的法律和应该的法律,而指出这种做法的错误。

    He introduced the practical law and ought law by comparing with positivism law , new analyzing law and American realism law .

  10. 克莱特是美国现实主义作家德莱塞的小说《美国的悲剧》中的主人公,他为了追求美国的生活方式,从一个普通的天真少年,逐步走向堕落、犯罪和毁灭。

    Clyde is the hero of the story " An American Tragedy " by Theodore Dreiser , the famous American realistic writer .

  11. 美国现实主义小说家舍伍德安德森的《俄亥俄州的瓦恩斯堡》开创了美国现实主义小说的新局面。

    Winesburg , Ohio by Sherwood anderson , an American realistic writer , pointed out a new way for the American realistic novels .

  12. 《哈克贝利。费恩历险记》是十九世纪美国现实主义作家马克。吐温的代表作。

    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the most important works of Mark Twain , the prominent realist writer in American and world literature .

  13. 亨利·詹姆斯是跨越十九世纪至二十世纪的美国现实主义作家和现代心理小说的先驱。

    Henry James who lived at the turn of 19th and 20th century is a famous American realist and the forerunner of the modern psychological novels .

  14. 约翰·厄普代克是当代美国现实主义文学大师,对于他的代表作兔子系列小说,很多人只是分开研究,却鲜有人对其进行整体性研究。

    John Updike is a master of American realistic literature on contemporary . Many people had researched on the " Rabbit " Series separately , as his masterpiece , few people made overall study on them .

  15. 美国现实主义小说家亨利·詹姆斯受其兄长&实用主义代表人物之一威廉·詹姆斯的影响颇深,因而其创作中渗透着的实用主义思想。

    The American realistic novelist Henry James has been greatly influenced by his brother William James , who is one of the representatives of pragmatism . Because of this deep influence , Henry James imbues his works with pragmatic thought .

  16. 美国现实主义和自然主义法学的基本思想是通过反思和质疑以理性主义为基础的现代法治的确定性和普遍性,从而揭示现代法治的弊端。

    The basic thoughts of modern American realism and naturalistic law science are the certainty and generality of modern government by law based on rationality from reflections and doubts . Thus , they help to reveal faults of modern government by law .

  17. 马克·吐温是19世纪美国现实主义文学的主要奠基人之一,他的代表作《哈克贝里·费恩》在美国文学史乃至世界文学史上都有着突出的地位与重要的意义。

    Mark Twain is considered to be one of the main founders of American realistic literature in the 19 th century . His masterpiece Huckleberry Finn has a special significance and occupies an outstanding place in the history of both American and world literature .

  18. 美国新现实主义与后现代小说中的道德意识

    Comparative Studies of Moral Consciousness in American Neo-realism and Post-Modernism Novels

  19. 美国法律现实主义视野下的法学教育

    On Legal Education in the View of American Legal Realism

  20. 其作者辛顿被称为美国新现实主义少年小说的代表作家。

    Hinton is considered as a representative writer in new realist young adult literature .

  21. 纵观国际关系学的发展历史,美国的现实主义受到了结构理论和历史社会学、批判理论的挑战;

    From the historical evolution of IR studies , the challenges to US realism came from structural theory , historical sociology and critical theory ;

  22. 1997年,被誉为美国新现实主义少年文学开拓性作品的《局外人》迎来了它出版30周年纪念日。

    In 1997 , the outsiders , the ground-breaking work in American young adult literature , celebrated its 30th anniversary of publication . Its author S. E.

  23. 19世纪美国批判现实主义作家马克·吐温的小说以幽默讽刺表现对社会的批判,有严肃而深刻的思想内核。

    With their solemn and profound thinking nucleus , the humor and irony in novels by Mark Twain are the expressions of criticism of the 19th century American society .

  24. 《马丁·伊登》是美国著名现实主义与自然主义作家、美国无产阶级文学之父杰克·伦敦的代表作之一。

    Martin Eden is one of the representative works of Jack London , a famous American realist and naturalist who is regarded as father of the proletariat literature of America .

  25. 普通法的宏大风格是美国著名现实主义法学家卡尔·卢埃林提出的旨在取代形式主义法学的一种新的法学理论。

    The so-called grand style of common law is a new legal theory proposed by Professor Karl Llewellyn , a well-known American legal realist , to replace the legal formalism .

  26. 无疑,这是一个令人望而生畏的处女地。目前,无论是对美国法律现实主义的领悟,还是对美国冲突法理论的把握,国内学界都存在诸多片面理解甚至误解之处。

    Without doubt , it is a formidable virgin area , because there are so many misunderstandings either of the American Legal Realism or of the American conflicts theories in China now .

  27. 杰克·伦敦是美国著名的现实主义作家。

    Jack London is a very famous realistic writer of the United States .

  28. 马克·吐温是十九世纪美国杰出的现实主义作家,被公认为伟大的人道主义者。

    Mark Twain , an outstanding American writer in19th century , was commonly considered a great humanist .

  29. 同时,美国进攻性现实主义理论为指导的安全观的可持续性受到了怀疑。

    Now , the United States uses aggressive realism to supervise its security concept , yet its sustainability is still doubtful .

  30. 埃蒙德卡恩(生于1906年),他的许多重要的思想将美国法学的现实主义运转联系起来。

    Edmond Cahn ( b.1906 ) is in many important aspects of his thought connected with the realist movement in American jurisprudence .