
  • 网络Labor day
  1. 最后,在美国劳动节,乔恩·哈姆(JonHamm)和交往18年的女友珍妮弗·韦斯特费尔特(JenniferWestfeldt)分手。

    and culminated in the news over Labor Day that Jon Hamm was splitting from his girlfriend of 18 years , Jennifer Westfeldt .

  2. 本周是传统季节的开始,在美国劳动节之后。公历五月一日是劳动节,十月一日是国庆节。

    This week marked the traditional start of the campaign season in the United States after Labor Day .

  3. 其它正准备进行首次公开发行(IPO)的公司都希望尽量离阿里巴巴的上市日期远一点,即使这意味着它们得在美国劳动节(九月的第一个星期一&译注)之后上市。

    Other companies with IPOs in the pipeline are trying to steer far clear of the Alibaba offering , even if that means pushing their own listings until after Labor Day .

  4. Spoondate预定于美国劳动节(九月的第一个星期一&译注)之后的第一周正式上线,将与GrubWithUs.com和HowAboutWe.com展开针锋相的竞争。

    The site , which is slated to launch the week after labor day , will compete directly with grubwithus .

  5. 今天是美国劳动节的第一天,感觉不错。

    Just restart the class from labor day . I am fine .

  6. 美国劳动节

    The American Labor Day

  7. 美国劳动节是每年的九月的第一个周一。

    Labor Day is a United States federal holiday that takes place on the first Monday of September .

  8. 今年美国劳动节假期较晚,部分返校销售因此从8月份推迟到9月份,这对9月份的零售数据也起到了推动作用。

    The monthly sales figures were supported by a later Labor Day holiday weekend , which shifted some back-to-school sales into September from August .

  9. 1973年美国劳动节那天,12名军官在美国华盛顿特区五角大楼一栋废弃建筑的一间办公室里秘密开会,讨论一种新的全球卫星导航系统。

    On Labor Day , in 1973 , a dozen military officials furtively gathered in an office of a deserted Pentagon building in Washington DC to discuss a new global satellite-based navigation system .

  10. 六月份时,有人对我说Facebook计划在劳动节(美国的劳动节是九月份的第一个星期一&译注)前申请首次公开募股。

    In June , someone told me that Facebook planned to file for its IPO before labor day .

  11. 不对,美国的劳动节就不同于中国的。

    No , in the USA it 's different from China .

  12. 美国的劳动节是最长的周末假日。

    The US Labour Day is the longest weekend holiday .

  13. (美国)劳动节当天的浪漫日落时,这对新人在茂伊岛上举行仪式交换了誓言。

    The couple exchanged vows in a romantic Labor Day sunset ceremony on Maui .

  14. 9月6日星期一是美国的劳动节。

    Monday , September 6 , is Labor Day this year in the United States .

  15. 不知你是否听说过劳动节过后和复活节前夕这段时间不能穿白色衣服(美国的劳动节在9月份)?

    Ever heard that you shouldn 't wear white before Easter or after Labor Day ?

  16. 白宫宣布,奥巴马总统将在劳动节(美国的劳动节是九月的第一个星期一&译注)后就就业问题发表全国讲话。

    The White House announced that President Obama will address the nation on jobs after labor day .

  17. 在美国,劳动节是一个国家节日,但也不是在同一天。

    In the USA , Labour Day is a national holiday , but on a different date , too .

  18. 这个礼拜在美国过了劳动节就标志着传统的竞选季节开始了。国会,自治州和地方选举在。

    This week marked the traditional start of the campaign season in the United Statesafter labor day . congressional , state and local elections are November seventh .

  19. 美国金融市场在劳动节假期休市。

    US financial markets are close for the labor day holiday .