
  • 网络PCUSA;Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
  1. 第二、三、四、五章详述了美北长老会在新加坡、港澳华人社区以及粤、桂、琼三省开展的传教活动;

    The following four chapters are about the missionary activities of PCUSA in Singapore , Macau , Guangdong , Guangxi and Hainan in detail .

  2. 第六章对19世纪美北长老会来华传教士进行了统计,同时彰显了他们在文字活动方面的成就,并论述了其与清末民初中国社会上层人士的交往过程;

    The sixth chapter shows the missionaries of PCUSA arriving in south China in 19th century , the contact between the missionaries and the upper-class Chinese people , and the writing and publication enterprise of missionaries .

  3. 19世纪美北长老会在粤传教活动述论

    The Activities of American Presbyterian Mission ( North ) in the 19th Century in Guangdong