
  • 网络image height
  1. 本质上F-Theta镜头通过引入桶形畸变,使得像高线性正比于扫描角。

    To make the image height of F-Theta lens in proportional to the scanning angle , it is primary to introduce barrel distortion .

  2. 实验统计分析表明此方法大大缩短了距离估算操作时间,实现了跟踪目标像高的准确读取,从而提高了距离估算的准确度。

    Test shows this method which shortens the operation time greatly and reads target image height accurately improves the precision of range estimation .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,在异常激烈的市场竞争中,为了获取竞争优势,许多公司把人才看作是制胜的关键因素,尤其是像高技术企业中研发人员这样稀缺的人才。

    After our country joins WTO , many enterprises regard the talents as the key factor to gain competition advantage and success in this intense market competition , especially scarce talents who are R & D person in high-tech enterprises .

  4. 自由女神像高高耸立于纽约港。

    The Statue of Liberty towers above the harbour of New York .

  5. 你能想到像高,胖,聪明这些词,你还能想到其它的词吗?

    Any words you can think of like tall fat clever can you think a few others ?

  6. 如今,有许多像高涵这样充满创意的大学生,他们努力去改造自己的生活环境。

    Nowadays there are many creative students like Gao who make an effort to change their living environment .

  7. 观音像高20米,由青铜制成,观音莲花宝座是一所佛教文化中心。

    Goddess of Kun Iam ( Goddess of Mercy ) is20 meters tall and made of special bronze .

  8. 仔细想想,玩纸牌赌钱很像高风险投资。

    If you think about it , betting money on cards is a lot like making a high-risk investment .

  9. 人类啊,有时候会像高精灵们一样势利。但是我们半精灵可是喜欢按照自己做事情的方式生活。

    The humans can be as snobby as the high elves sometimes , and we half-elves really liked doing things our own way .

  10. 通过引入桶形畸变,得到的F-θ镜头的像高与入射角成正比,可实现打标速度的线性控制。

    Introducing barrel distortion , the image height of F - θ lens is in proportion to its incident angle , and it made marking linearly .

  11. 他每年培训数千名像高小姐那样的年轻中国人准备出国留学,为期六周的课程收费最多达到2500美元。

    His company prepares thousands of young Chinese like Gao every year to study abroad and charges them as much as $ 2,500 for a six-week course .

  12. 伊曼纽尔像高德一样口若悬河;他的声誉还在于他愿意不惜一切为客户争取最佳合约。

    Like gold , Emanuel has a repertoire of colourful phrases ; his reputation also rests on a willingness to go to extremes to get the best deal for his clients .

  13. 如果我们在过程层面之间创建这样的接口,只要这些低层次过程能够像高层次过程提供合适的接口,我们就可以允许这些低层次过程发展和变更。

    If we create such interfaces between the process layers , we now allow the lower-level processes to evolve and change , as long as they provide the appropriate interface to the upper levels .

  14. 如果一个运动员主要是训练速度的,那些介于二者之间的肌肉纤维将像高强度肌肉纤维一样动作,而进行耐力训练将使它们的动作更像低强度肌肉纤维。

    If an athlete trains mainly for speed , those muscle fibers in the middle will act as if they are high-intensity ones , but endurance training will make them behave more like the low-intensity fibers .

  15. 选择Layout然后指定像素为:宽600像,高400像。

    Select Layout and then specify a width of600 pixels and a height of400 pixels .

  16. 在摩根大通(JPMorgan)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)等美国投行,像这样高的奖金现金支付比例非常普遍。

    Such large cash proportions are common at US peers such as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs .

  17. 但Coogan博士推测虽然药不能防止癌发展本身,但它们抑制转化像更高的形式。

    Coogan speculated that while the drugs do not prevent the development of cancer per se , they do inhibit the transformation into more advanced forms .

  18. 本文研究基于一维距离像的高分辨雷达目标识别方法。

    This paper studies target recognition for high resolution radar by range profile .

  19. 航摄影像清晰度高,信息丰富。

    Air photo has a high definition and a large amount of information .

  20. 在幼儿园教室里,孩子们像玩乐高积木一样玩这款游戏。

    In kindergarten classrooms , the game is used for play like LEGOs .

  21. 在这儿,学习者正在构建一个电路,像玩乐高一样轻松。

    So here , the learners are building a circuit with Lego-like ease .

  22. 通过对模拟的航摄影像进行高精度影像匹配,评价影像匹配的精度。

    The precision statistics is carried out by the high precision matching of simulated images .

  23. 超过了海洋哺乳类的平均水平你可以像训练高智商海豹一样训练他

    Superior to an average of an ocean mammal that is . You could train him like a highly intelligent seal .

  24. 殿内有身披树叶,手托日月的铁铸涂金盘古像,高一丈零八寸。

    Hall are wearing leaves , Satisfy sun and the moon , like a cast-iron painted gold Pangu , zero-eight-inch high-Yi Zhang .

  25. 至少有三种蜘蛛能产生牵引丝;假如把这些丝结得更粗,它们就会像用于高性能飞机上的尼龙和碳纤维那样牢固。

    At least three spiders produce dragline silk that , if spun into thicker strands , could be as strong as the nylon and carbon fibers used in high-performance aircraft .

  26. 在西方国家,像中国高铁网络建设这类的大项目,往往因为规划限制或资金紧张需要耗时多年才得以施行,因此中国的铁路工程往往令许多西方人羡慕。

    In Western countries – where planning constraints and lack of funds mean that such developments often take years to complete – China 's rail programme has been viewed with some envy .

  27. 因其具有稳像精度高、速度快、体积小、功耗低以及成本低等优点,使得它在军事和民用领域中都有广阔的应用前景。

    Because of its advantages of high stabilizing precision , compact size , lightweight , low power consumption and reasonable price , the DIS technique has been applied widely in both military and civilian field .

  28. 这些因素虽不会像跟高一样明显地改变足底压力分布,但是却能缓解和改善高跟鞋因高跟而造成的不适,所以这些因素是我们进行鞋底结构设计时所必须探索的。

    Although these facts can 't effect the plantar pressure distribution as significantly as the heel does , they must be taken into account to improve the pressure comfort when the shoes'heel is very high .

  29. 因为具有稳像精度高、体积小、重量轻、功耗低以及成本低等优点,它在军事和民用领域得到了广泛的应用。

    It has a lot of advantages , such as high image stabilizing precision , compact size , lightweight , low power consumption and reasonable price . It has been widely used in military and civil fields .

  30. 父母还可以和孩子一起玩拼图游戏,或者借助肢体语言向他们表述像更高和更矮这样的概念。这些都能逐渐强化孩子的空间认知能力,而这又与习得更强的数学技能息息相关。

    Doing puzzles together or using gestures to help describe spatial relationships such as ' taller ' and ' shorter , ' can instill spatial abilities , which are linked to better math skills , she says .