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fěng yù
  • allegory;parable;admonish;advise
讽喻 [fěng yù]
  • (1) [advise;admonish]∶用委婉的言语劝说

  • (2) [parable;allegory]∶一种修辞手段,借说故事来表明事理

讽喻[fěng yù]
  1. 在讽喻诗中,白居易明确表示了为政治和现实服务的创作原则。

    In the parable poems , Bai Juyi expressed explicitly his writing motive that is to served his political agenda and realistic concern .

  2. 关于《长恨歌》的主题,有讽喻说、爱情说、双重主题说等几种观点。

    With regard to the theme of Bai Juyi ′ s Song of Eternal Sorrow , there were several points of view including parable , romantic love , and dual themes .

  3. 这部剧被广泛解读为对帝国主义征服的讽喻。

    The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest

  4. 这本书是对拉丁美洲历史的一种讽喻。

    The book is a kind of allegory of Latin American history .

  5. 该诗的喜剧讽喻法是显而易见的。

    The poem 's comic allegory was transparent .

  6. 但他坚持故事第一,而并非讽喻第一。

    But he insists they are stories first , not allegories .

  7. 这部电影是对美国生活的绝妙讽喻。

    The film was a brilliant parody of American life .

  8. 但是,她的每一款作品都有一种讽喻的味道。

    Each piece , however , possessed an ironic touch .

  9. 以自然风景为主题,有时含有讽喻意义的作品。

    A depiction of natural land forms , sometimes allegorical .

  10. 无遮盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。

    The undraped human figure , sometimes allegorical .

  11. 其训世内容则是以世俗社会的现世行为作为讽喻对象;

    Its contents focus on the irony of the social phenomena in that society .

  12. 这些人物的特征都很老套,但同时也具有讽喻意义。

    These characters are clich é s , but they are also allegorical figures .

  13. 用明喻隐喻讽喻表示的内心的比较。

    The kind of mental comparison that is expressed in similes or metaphors or allegories .

  14. 这是一种对话语无效性的讽喻,被语言以准确聪明的方式呈现出来。

    It 's an allegory precisely cleverly introduced by language about the inefficacy of speech .

  15. 张文认为“元和体”应包括元白讽喻诗。

    He believes that Yuanhe style should include allegory poem by Yuan Zhen and Bai Juyi .

  16. 这是最棒的讽喻小说之一,阐释了19世纪俄国社会的阶级对立。

    This is of the best allegorical novels to explain the fractured nature of 19th century Russia .

  17. 这部戏剧以讽喻性手法结束。

    The play ended allegorically .

  18. 佛罗斯特希望他的美国读者能够体味这首诗中的中心讽喻意义;

    Frost hoped that some of his American readers would recognize the central irony of the poem ;

  19. 它是具有教育意义的体育运动。无遮盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。

    And the educational value of sport until 393 AD , The undraped human figure , sometimes allegorical .

  20. 中世纪一本讽喻、幽默地描述真的或虚构的动物的书(通常有插图)。

    A medieval book ( usually illustrated ) with allegorical and amusing descriptions of real and fabled animals .

  21. 历史讽喻与身份焦虑&A.S.拜厄特成长小说四部曲之《花园处女》

    Historical Allegory and Identity Anxiety : The Virgin in the Garden of A.S Byatt s Bildungsroman Tetralogy ;

  22. 可能是某人以讽喻的口气,刻下此话暗示文化的死亡。

    It could be someone in a kind of an allegorical mood inscribing on the gravestone the death of culture .

  23. 山东新生代有着极为强烈的悲悯意识,他们的作品总是与忧患的情思相连,叙说着大地上演绎的苦难与欢歌,讽喻着错位的生活情态。

    Their works are always linked with affection of the suffering , telling sufferings on earth and satirizing the misplaced life .

  24. 白居易曾经把自己的诗歌分为讽喻诗、闲适诗、感伤诗和杂律诗四类。

    Po Chu-i has his own poetry is divided into allegory poems , leisure poems , sad poems and miscellaneous Poems four .

  25. 与西方经常使用象征手法不同,中国在古典诗歌中多用比兴和讽喻。

    Differing from the symbolism technique often used in western poetry ," bi-xing " and allegory are more regularly used in classical Chinese poetry .

  26. 它有影射、双关、反语、谐音、仿拟、误会、借代、讽喻、夸张、旁敲侧击以及生动特殊的形神描绘等多种表现技巧。

    It involves many techniques of expression such as innuendo , pun , irony , euphony , allegory , hyperbole , and oblique references , etc.

  27. 他极有可能是通过该诗来讽喻皇帝,反映其对永贞革新的态度,并对因革新而遭打击的官员表示深深的同情。

    It is very likely to satirize the emperor , reflecting his attitude to the Yongzhen Reform ( 805 ) in the middle Tang Dynasty .

  28. 苏东坡认为王安石观察有误,作诗讽喻:这位青年有成为诗人的希望。

    Su Dongpo derided this as poor and faulty observation , saying in his own poem that : The young man shows promise as a poet .

  29. 希腊的思想里没有伊甸乐园之类的神话的黄金时代,也没有人类堕落的讽喻;

    There was no mythical " Golden Period " in the sense of the Garden of Eden , and no allegory of the Fall of Man ;

  30. 伴随近代科学的诞生,反科学对科学进行无情的嘲弄和讽喻,并成为近代反科学思潮兴起的思想来源。

    With the birth of modern science , anti-science thoughts made ruthless mockery allegory of science and could be traced as the origin of modem anti-science ideology .