
fěnɡ cì wén xué
  • satire
  1. 它究竟是一部犯罪小说,还是一部名流曝光,抑或生动的讽刺文学,或者以上皆是呢?

    Is this crime fiction , a celebrity tell-all , juicy satire or all of the above ?

  2. 罗马人自由地借鉴希腊文明,但却更擅长于一些的领域——工程学、建筑学、讽刺文学和伦理学(稍后的时期里,禁欲主义通过埃皮克提图(Epictetus)和马克奥里利乌斯(MarcusAurelius)的著作在罗马达到顶峰)。

    The Romans borrowed freely from the Greeks but excelled in different fields - engineering , architecture , satire , and ethics ( the Stoic tradition peaked in Rome , a little later , with the writings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius ) .

  3. 但是现实跟讽刺文学的差距也并不远。

    But reality is not so far removed from satire .

  4. 讽刺文学对人类的各种虚伪行为进行了精妙的嘲弄。

    The satire touches with finespun ridicule every kind of human pretense .

  5. 尖锐的评论;尖锐的讽刺文学;尖刻的评论。

    Cutting remarks ; edged satire ; a stinging comment .

  6. 讽刺文学在《文艺阵地》发展文艺美学

    Satire in Literature and Art Front Developing Literary Aesthetics

  7. 当真正的商业领袖已经超越了牵强附会时,讽刺文学还能扮演什么角色?

    What role is there for satire when real business leaders are beyond far-fetched ?

  8. 在这种环境下,基于阴森政治事件基础上的卡通和讽刺文学纠正了平衡。

    In such circumstances , cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress .

  9. 《儒林外史》的语言精练,人物性格描写很有特点,是中国古典讽刺文学的杰作。

    With succinct language and excellent characterization , it is a masterpiece of classical satirical literature of China .

  10. 讽刺文学用自己的语言,而不是采用抽象的陈词滥调来表达。

    scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition , and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude .

  11. 但在中国现代幽默讽刺文学的长河里,曾升起过两颗璀璨的新星。

    Nevertheless , in the perpetual flow of Chinese modern humorous satire literature , there once raised two radiant novases .

  12. 文章从语言(词汇,句式)层面以及修辞(反语、夸张和对比)层面分析外国著名讽刺文学作品,以更好地领悟作家创作的目的。

    This thesis analyzes several famous literary works from the following aspects as linguistic and rhetoric in order to understand the theme of those writers .

  13. 高压统治下作家们迂回言说的方式;也是中国现代讽刺文学发展的必然结果。

    The writer about the indirect expression way in works in iron rule , and it is also certainly result ironic literature 's development in China .

  14. 约瑟夫·海勒是美国二十世纪下半叶著名小说家,黑色幽默的代表作家之一,其代表作《第二十二条军规》是讽刺文学的经典之作。

    Joseph Heller is one of the most important novelists and representative writers of black humor in America in the second half of the twentieth century .

  15. 文章通过文本分析,从新英雄传奇、问题小说、家庭文学和讽刺文学四个维度考量百花文学的文学价值。

    By analyzing the text including new hero legend , problem novel , family literature and ironic literature , the paper measured the literary value with four dimensions .

  16. 导论部分介绍了美国的黑色幽默与法国二十世纪二十年代早期的与存在主义和讽刺文学的区别,以及以冯内古特为代表的黑色幽默文学作家的观点。

    In the introduction , the writing covers how American black humor distinguishes from that in early twentieth century France , which is associated with existentialism and satire .

  17. 或许讽刺文学最显著的特点是其视角的新颖性和独特性。讽刺作品很少有创造性的思想。相反,它用一种新的形式把人们熟悉的东西呈现出来。

    Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness , its originality of perspective.Satire rarely offers original ideas.Instead , it presents the familiar in a new form .

  18. 英语讽刺性幽默文学作品诠释

    On english humorous satirical works

  19. 恐怕她是在用讽刺的方法进行文学批评

    I fear she has branched into literary criticism by means of satire

  20. 文章还进一步把现代讽刺幽默小说放在世界讽刺幽默文学的格局中进行审视,揭示其民族的、时代的讽刺幽默品格、历史局限及其成因,为当代讽刺幽默小说的进一步发展提供了借鉴和参照。

    This paper also examines modern Chinese satirical and humorous novels from the perspective of world satire and humor , and reveals their national and epochal characteristics , historical limitations and the reason for these , thus providing a reference for the further development of contemporary satirical and humorous novels .

  21. 讽刺感受的虚幻等因素导致讽刺感受并未在文学史上产生有效影响。

    Factors such as unreal of satirical feeling made it ineffective influence in literary history .

  22. 但是,对于其主要创作成就的讽刺小说,虽然不乏关注和探讨,却缺少从讽刺文学的角度所做的全面系统的研究。

    However , although the satire novels , Zhang Tianyi 's main writing achievement had been attached much importance and been discussed , it need to be all-sidedly and systematically researched by Jhe point of view of satirizing literature .