
  • 网络Montparnasse;tour montparnasse;Montpamasse
  1. 巴黎的最后一个摩天大楼是1973年揭幕的蒙帕纳斯大厦(MontparnasseTower),它是一座楼高59层、朴素的黑色大楼。

    The last skyscraper built in Paris opened in 1973 , an unadorned dark block , rising 59 stories & the Montparnasse Tower .

  2. 卡地亚基金会(TheCartierFondation)和亨利·卡地亚-布雷松基金会(HenriCartier-Bresson)位于著名的蒙帕纳斯公墓(MontparnasseCemetery)两侧,两者在步行距离之内。它们的规模正好可以满足你对常规和先锋艺术的胃口。

    The Cartier Fondation and Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson , which are within walking distance of each other on opposite sides of the famed Montparnasse Cemetery , are sized to offer just the right dose of the familiar and the cutting edge .

  3. 穿过那一大片满是鹅卵石的空地进入蒙帕纳斯大街。

    Across the expanse of cobbles and into the Boulevard de montparnasse .

  4. 我特别喜欢的凡尔赛宫和蒙帕纳斯。

    I particularly liked the Versailles and the Montparnasse .

  5. 取而代之的是在蒙帕纳斯一个叫琼尼·弗兰德兰德的美国艺术家的作坊里当雕刻师。

    Instead he worked as an engraver in the atelier of the American artist Johnny Friedlander in Montparnasse .

  6. 这家公司还拥有法国巴黎蒙帕纳斯大厦的观景台以及德国柏林标志性的柏林电视塔。

    The company also owns the Observation Deck at Montparnasse Tower in Paris , France , and the iconic Berliner Fersehturm / TV Tower in Berlin , Germany .

  7. 但是很多年长的巴黎人担心,市政府官员没有接受蒙帕纳斯大厦的教训&该建筑经常被列入世界上最丑陋的十大建筑榜单。

    But many older Parisians fear that city officials did not learn the lesson of Montparnasse , a building that regularly makes lists of the 10 ugliest buildings in the world .

  8. 有些巴黎人觉得这个新项目在走蒙帕纳斯大厦的老路,会进一步削弱这座城市的一个关键卖点——几近完美的19世纪天际线。

    For some Parisians , the new proposal is another Montparnasse in the making , an architectural star turn that would further disfigure one of the city 's key selling points - an almost perfect 19th-century skyline .