
  • 网络Mengtian;Penpower;Montaigne;WeWa;WACOM
蒙恬 [méng tián]
  • [Meng Tian] 秦将。始皇时领兵三十万北逐匈奴,修筑万里长城

  1. 为防范来自匈奴的攻击,蒙恬率领战士建造了举世闻名的万里长城。

    In order to guard against the attacks from the Huns , Meng Tian led soldiers to build the world-renowned Great Wall .

  2. 秦始皇统一中国后,他派将军蒙恬为首的部队去镇压匈奴,并获得辽阔的土地。

    After Qin Emperor Shihuang unified China , he sent forces led by general Meng Tian to suppress the Huns , and gained much land .

  3. 直到秦朝(公元前221----206年)蒙恬才将分散的墙壁连接起来,在北部边境形成了一个防御性的系统。

    It was not until the Qin Dynasty ( 221 ---- 206B . C. ) that Meng Tian connected the separate walls to form a defensive system on the northern border .

  4. 公元前215年,秦始皇派蒙恬率军30万抗击匈奴,收复河套以南地区。

    In 215 B. C. , the First Emperor had Meng Tian lead 300 000 soldiers to fend off these nomads , and finally recovered the south area of Hetao plain .

  5. 蒙恬曾经说过:“痴迷是天才也是疯狂的源泉。”也许正是这种痴迷产生了怪癖,也同样赠与那些人们相应的智力。

    Montaigne once wrote that " obsession is the wellspring of genius and madness " - and perhaps it is this very obsession which creates an eccentric , and gifts him with a corresponding intelligence .

  6. 秦始皇把匈奴驱逐到漠北以后,令蒙恬立即修筑新的秦朝长城。

    After the emperor drove out the Huns to Mobei ( it was a place in history , maybe in north desert of Inner Mongolia ), he ordered a general of his army to rebuild the walls .

  7. 介绍了后夔制筝说、钟子授筝说、分瑟为筝说、蒙恬造筝说、象声说5种关于古筝起源的说法,并将其分为文献记载和传说两部分。

    Kui make Zheng say , son Zhong award Zheng say , divide into plucked instrument say for Zheng , Meng Tian build Zheng say , onomatopoeia say 5 statements that about Zheng 's origin after recommending , And divide it into two parts of recording and legend of document .