
  • 网络monterrey;MONTEREY;Mty
  1. 这家中国电脑制造商2005年收购了IBM的个人电脑业务,目前正斥资3000万美元在印度喜马偕尔邦和墨西哥蒙特雷建厂。

    Lenovo , the Chinese manufacturer that bought IBM 's personal computer business in 2005 , is investing $ 30m in factories in India 's Himachal Pradesh state and Monterrey , Mexico .

  2. Serorrey殡仪馆位于墨西哥北部城市蒙特雷。殡仪馆主管佩德罗雷耶斯说,Serorrey拥有唯一能处理乌里韦遗体的火化设备。

    Funeral home director Pedro Reyes said Serorrey 's cremation facility was the only one in the northern city of Monterrey able to handle Uribe 's body .

  3. 对表演者和某些特定地区而言,这些音乐节就是吸引旅行者的磁石和美妙的促销手段,比如在加利福尼亚州举办的蒙特雷爵士音乐节(MontereyJazzFestival)。

    These gatherings operate as tourist magnets and fantastic promotional devices for performers and particular locations , such as the Monterey Jazz Festival in California .

  4. 在她的儿子去世后,她来到加利福尼亚州蒙特雷,看望自己的孙辈,也就是她儿子和妮可·基德曼饰演的Celeste共同的孩子。

    She comes to the Monterey , California area after her son 's passing to check on the kids he shares with Nicole Kidman 's Celeste .

  5. HBO在1月份的时候透露在第二季《小谎大事》中,MaryLouise在儿子过世以后,很担心她孙子们的身体健康,来到加州的蒙特雷。过世的儿子之前由AlexanderSkarsg?rd在上一季中出演。

    HBO revealed in January that season two of " Big Little Lies " will pick up with Mary Louise arriving in Monterey , California , after becoming " concerned for the well-being of her grandchildren " following the death of her son , who was played by Alexander Skarsg ? rd last season .

  6. 我们在珠海大会上的讨论是这个进程的必要组成部分,我们也许不久就会将其称之为蒙特雷-多哈-约翰内斯堡-珠海议程或者MDJ-Z议程。

    What we are discussing here at the Zhuhai conference is a logical part of that sequence , and perhaps we will soon be referring to it as the Monterey-Doha-Johannesburg-Zhuhai , or MDJ-Z , agenda .

  7. 还注意到《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共识》。

    Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development .

  8. 该巴士从蒙特雷出发,经墨西哥,到休斯敦。

    The bus was travelling from Monterrey , Mexico to Houston .

  9. 蒙特雷是墨西哥的一座大城市。

    It is a big city in Mexico .

  10. 我实际上对蒙特雷公园一无所知。

    I know virtually nothing about Monterey Park .

  11. 我住在蒙特雷。

    I live in Monterrey .

  12. 美国的哈德森堡及墨西哥的蒙特雷工厂主要服务于南北美洲市场;

    Serving North , Central and South Americas – Harrisonburg , Virginia , USA and Monterrey , Mexico ;

  13. 圣安东尼奥市每天飞往墨西哥城的航班只有三到四架次,而飞往蒙特雷的航班只有一架。

    San Antonio offers just three or four daily flights to Mexico City and only one to Monterrey .

  14. 在继续你会发现其他一些照片老式汽车参加了蒙特雷车展。

    In continuation you will find some other photos vintage cars that took part in Monterey auto show .

  15. 由于超重不能行走,他常年只能躺在位于蒙特雷市家中的床上。

    He had been confined to his bed in Monterrey for years , unable to walk on his own .

  16. 大量的老式汽车将出售在拍卖蒙特雷体育和老爷车拍卖。

    A large number of vintage cars were put up for sale at auction Monterey Sports and Classic Car Auction .

  17. 在蒙特雷我打算购物,但是我没有买很多东西,仅仅是逛了很多。

    I tried to do some shopping but I didn 't buy much , but I looked around a lot .

  18. 飓风亚历克斯抵达墨西哥东北部地区时减弱成热带风暴,带来大量降雨,使蒙特雷遭遇洪灾。

    Hurricane Alex has brought torrential rain as it weakened to a tropical storm over northeastern Mexico , flooding the city of Monterrey .

  19. 从上个月在加利福尼亚州蒙特雷举行的领头专家汽车拍卖会的总体行情看,这种下滑势头已经十分明显。

    This slowdown was also evident in the overall results at the bellwether specialist car auctions in Monterey , Calif. , last month .

  20. 据路透社报道,铁杆快餐客卡洛斯•穆尼奥斯和玛丽塞拉•马蒂恩索于周五在墨西哥蒙特雷市的一家麦当劳餐厅喜结连理。

    Fast-food fanatics Carlos Munoz and Marisela Matienzo tied the knot Friday at a McDonald 's in Monterrey , Mexico , Reuters reports .

  21. 回顾《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共识》,其中着重指出在各级打击腐败是优先事项。

    Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development , which underlined that fighting corruption at all levels is a priority .

  22. 国务卿希拉里.克林顿在墨西哥蒙特雷市的新闻发布会上说,派遣文职人员至关重要。

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton - speaking at a news conference in Monterrey , Mexico - said the civilian component is essential .

  23. 这个会议是2002年在墨西哥蒙特雷召开的、为发展合作建立了重要新目标的蒙特雷会议的后续。

    The conference is a follow up to the2002 meeting in Monterrey , Mexico , which set important new targets in development cooperation .

  24. 上周三,29家位于加利福尼亚州蒙特雷市和萨利纳斯市的麦当劳餐厅宣布,顾客可以通过手机应用订餐并支付餐费。

    Last Wednesday , 29 restaurants in Monterey and Salinas , California have begun accepting mobile ordering and payment through the McDonald 's app .

  25. 同年9月他占领了蒙特雷,1847年2月在布埃纳维斯战役中击败圣塔安那后结束了墨西哥北部的战斗。

    He captured Monterrey in September , and his victory over Santa Anna at Buena Vista in February 1847 ended fighting in northern Mexico .

  26. 如果发达国家和发展中国家按照它们在2002年议定的蒙特雷共识尽自己的努力的话,大多数国家仍然可以实现大多数千年发展目标。

    Most countries could still achieve most of the MDGs if developed and developing countries do their parts as agreed to in the2002 Monterrey Consensus .

  27. 蒙特雷湾水族馆海洋研究所的科学家们每周要进行两次海底之旅。

    Twice a week , marine scientists from the Monteray Bay Aquarium Research Institute set sail on a voyage to the bottom of the sea .

  28. 在过去一年里,我们目睹了在多哈、蒙特雷和约翰内斯堡取得的承诺已经为达成全球共识奠定了新的基础。

    We have seen a year in which the commitments reached at Doha , Monterrey , and Johannesburg have laid a new basis for a global deal .

  29. 兑现在蒙特雷做出的增加援助的可喜的承诺,兑现在卡纳纳斯基斯做出的为重债贫困国家倡仪的资金缺口提供融资的极好的回应。

    Deliver on the welcome commitments of increased aid made at Monterrey , and the excellent response to financing shortfall for the HIPC Initiative made at Kananaskis .

  30. 在蒙特雷、多哈和约翰内斯堡多边会议上达成的全球协定依然是实现更大程度上的公平、稳定和减贫的根本。

    The global compact arrived at in the multilateral meetings in Monterrey , Doha and Johannesburg remains fundamental to achieving greater equity , stability and poverty reduction .