
  • 网络American Colonies
  1. 美洲殖民地向宗主国挑战。

    The American colonies threw down the gauntlet to the motherland .

  2. 一七七五年英国与她的美洲殖民地进行战争。

    In 1775 , England was at war with her American colonies .

  3. 许多美洲殖民地的人认为英国税吏凶残手辣。

    Many American colonists believed that the English tax collectors were too heavy-handed .

  4. 拉丁美洲殖民地时期的海盗和走私

    Piracy and smuggling activities in Colonial Latin America

  5. 美国独立战争期间以及之后短时期内的北美洲殖民地,或与之有关。

    Of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the Revolutionary War .

  6. 这是在美洲殖民地出现的第二份报纸,叫做《新英格兰报》。

    It was the second that appeared in America , and was called the New England Courant .

  7. 教堂顶部的灯告诫着美洲殖民地居民英国人很快就会来袭。

    Lights placed at the top of the church warned American colonists that the British would soon attack .

  8. 19世纪初,拉丁美洲殖民地人民掀起了反对西班牙殖民统治的民族解放运动。

    The Latin American colonists revolted the national liberation movement against Spanish colonial rule in the early nineteenth century .

  9. 在1775年,英国国王乔治三世宣称美洲殖民地处于公开叛变的混乱状态!

    In1775 , England 's King George the Third proclaimed the American colonies in a state of open rebellion .

  10. 许多各种不同的鼓也随着非洲音乐传入美洲殖民地。

    A great variety of drums , too , accompanied African music to the colonies in North and South America .

  11. 在国外生活的这些年中,他努力弥合英国与其美洲殖民地之间的裂痕。

    During these years abroad , he worked hard to bridge the developing division between England and her American colonies .

  12. 本文旨在讨论拉丁美洲殖民地经济结构的形成过程和形成过程中的阶段性特点。

    This paper aims to discuss the formation process of Latin American colonial economic structure and its characteristics of each stage .

  13. 在美洲殖民地,它被用来作为比索的符号,后来转用来代表美元。

    It was adopted as a symbol for the Peso in the American colonies , and was transferred to the dollar .

  14. 手工制做的由缎带、丝带制成,并绘有丘比特和心形的情人节贺卡最终传到了美洲殖民地。

    Hand-made valentine cards made of lace , ribbons , and featuring cupids and hearts eventually spread to the American colonies .

  15. 作为大英帝国失去美洲殖民地之后的首个自治领,纽芬兰事实上在1855年已取得独立。

    Newfoundland effectively became independent in 1855 as the first dominion of the British Empire after the loss of the American colonies .

  16. 美洲殖民地时期,诸如报纸、宣传单等的广告及通信媒体成为了推销商品和服务的重要途径。

    In the American colonies , advertising and communications media like newspapers and pamphlets became a major factor in marketing goods and services .

  17. 荷兰殖民者于17世纪将此传统带到了其美洲殖民地新阿姆斯特丹(即现在的纽约)。

    Dutch colonists took this tradition with them to New Amsterdam ( now New York City ) in the American colonies in the17th century .

  18. 在第二届大陆会议通过《独立宣言》以前,英国和美洲殖民地之间就已经战事连连。

    Even before the Second Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence , a state of war existed between Great Britain and the American colonies .

  19. 中世纪时,在这个日子里选择意中人的习俗传遍了整个欧洲,然后又传到了早期的美洲殖民地。

    The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages , and then to the early American colonies .

  20. 当美洲殖民地民众拿起武器,抗击大英帝国,以获得其独立时,黑人奴隶制度早已根深蒂固。

    By the time the American colonists took up arms against Great Britain in order to secure their independence , the institution of Black slavery was deeply entrenched .

  21. 原来当时乔治三世驻美洲殖民地的军队是由威廉.豪统率,而这位英军将领在费城附近落入了一位洛林太太的温柔乡。

    Because William Howe , the British general in charge of George III 's forces in the colonies , had found warm comfort nearby Philadelphia with a certain Mrs Loring .

  22. 两个世纪以后,英国人在欧洲大陆的巡回旅行中发现了原始的建筑风格,从而使之复兴。后来这种新的复古风格被灌输进了美洲殖民地的建筑体系中。

    Two centuries later , that reinvention was itself revived by Englishmen who saw the originals on the Grand Tour , and implanted this new-old form in the American colonies .

  23. 这可能是在美洲殖民地第一次为宗教自由而进行的政治请愿,组织者被投入监狱后又被逐出新阿姆斯特丹。

    It was perhaps the first formal political petition for religious freedom in the American colonies , and the organizer was thrown in jail and then banished from New Amsterdam .

  24. 约翰·奥尔登同普丽西拉·莫林斯的结合是美洲殖民地最早的爱情故事之一,并因亨利·华兹华斯·朗费罗写于1858年的诗《迈尔斯·斯坦狄什求婚记》而流传后世。

    Immortalized by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's1858 poem , The Courtship of Miles Standish , John Alden 's marriage to Priscilla Mullins was one of the earliest romances in the American colonies .

  25. 17世纪新英格兰经历了快速的人口增长,其是最早依靠人口自然增长实现人口可持续增长的英属美洲殖民地。

    New England experienced rapid population growth in 17th Century , the earliest colony which depended on natural reproduction to achieve sustainable growth of the population of the British American colonies .

  26. 19世纪中叶以后,成千上万的中国人被西方殖民者以契约华工的形式拐骗贩卖到拉丁美洲殖民地,开发当地经济。

    From mid-19th century , thousands of Chinese , called Chinese Contract Bondage , were sent to the colonies of western capitalist countries in Latin-America as working labor to serve for local development .

  27. 一些经济学家(也许多数在您的前美洲殖民地)认为,经济体系存在一个深层次的结构,从这一结构可得出超越时空的普世经济行为法则。

    Some economists – perhaps a majority in your former American colonies – believe there is a deep underlying structure from which laws of economic behaviour that are universal in time and space can be deduced .

  28. 年轻的男子随便挑选一个年轻女子的名字,该女子便赔他度过这个节庆。中世纪时,在这个日子里选择意中人的习俗传遍了整个欧洲,然后又传到了早期的美洲殖民地。

    Young men andomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivities . The custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages , and then to the early American colonies .

  29. 英国人和法国人共同在美洲建立殖民地。

    The British and French colonized the Americas .

  30. 英国人和西班牙人是首先向北美洲开拓殖民地的。

    The English and the Spanish were among the first to colonize North America .