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  • United States Capitol
  1. 美国国会大厦是什麽?

    What is the United States Capitol ?

  2. 我登上舞台,我面对的是国会大厦,美国国会大厦,炫目的美丽。

    In front of me is the Capitol Building , the United States Capitol , lit beautifully .

  3. NPR新闻,大卫·威尔娜,美国国会大厦报道。

    David Welna , NPR News , the Capitol .

  4. 我认为美国国会大厦才是最有名的。

    I think the Capitol Building is the most famous .

  5. 树林被砍倒,巨大的美国国会大厦建造起来。

    Trees were cut down and the great Capital building was built .

  6. 美国国会大厦有两个标志性地建筑。

    The Congress of the United States has two house of representatives .

  7. 还记得一名飞行员曾非法驾驶旋翼机冲到美国国会大厦么?

    And the pilot who illegally flew a gyrocopter to the US Capitol ?

  8. 美国国会大厦是座辉煌的建筑。

    The Capitol is a magnificent building .

  9. 这三个地标性建筑都是位于华盛顿特区的美国国会大厦。

    All three of these are features of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington , D.C.

  10. 它是在美国国会大厦,五角大楼,白宫还是诺克斯堡?

    Is it at the U.S. Capitol , Pentagon , White House or Fort Knox ?

  11. 这个周末,美国国会大厦外也以此为同一目标进行抗议。

    This weekend , a protest outside the U.S. Capitol pushed for the same goal .

  12. 你觉得呢?这家伙要袭击美国国会大厦。

    What do you think ? This man is making a move on the US capitol .

  13. 现在他将在美国国会大厦占据特殊的一席之地。”

    Now he will hold a special place in the Capitol of the United States . "

  14. 就是有这么巨大。它是美国国会大厦的六倍,

    It 's just this colossal -- it 's five times bigger than the U.S. Capitol ,

  15. 史都尔:我不这么认为,美国国会大厦才是最有名的。

    STUART : I don 't agree . I think the Capitol building is the most famous .

  16. 是美国国会大厦,梵蒂冈,圣罗勒大教堂还是圣路易斯大教堂?

    Is it the U.S. Capitol , the Vatican , St. Basil 's Cathedral or St. Louis Cathedral ?

  17. 今天,国会特别委员会要求联邦机构提供大量记录,以调查1月份发生在美国国会大厦的袭击事件。

    A select congressional committee demanded reams of records from federal agencies today , as they look into the January assault on the U.S. Capitol .

  18. 在美国国会大厦,最近热议的伊朗讨好西方的“魅力攻势”似乎不被理睬。

    In the U.S. Capitol , the much-talked about recent Iranian " charm offensive " on the West seems to be falling on deaf ears .

  19. 例如,国会的工作人员发展沟通技巧,他们需很巧妙回应选民电话、招待游客参观美国国会大厦;

    For example , congressional staff members develop the communication skills they need to field constituent telephone calls and take visitors on tours of the U.

  20. 美国国会大厦警察局表示,他们已经获得有关该阴谋的情报,并从本周早些时候开始对国会大厦进行了“重大安全升级”。

    The Capitol Police say they have obtained intelligence about the plot and made " significant security upgrades " to the Capitol starting earlier this week .

  21. 尽管我强烈提倡“去旧迎新”,但我并不鼓吹拆毁美国国会大厦而代之以更新式高效的办公大楼。

    Although I am a strong advocate of " in with the new , out with the old ," I am not an advocate of tearing down the U.S.

  22. 这是曼德拉1990年的时候在美国国会大厦的样子,而这是昨天曼德拉位于他家乡南非的医院的情形,上周末他在这里接受检查。

    here 's Mandela at the U.S. Capitol building in 1990 and this is where Mandela was yesterday , a hospital in his home country of South Africa , checked in over the weekend .

  23. 这个建筑位于石家庄市北部,一半形似北京天坛,而另一半却形似美国国会大厦的白色外墙圆形建筑。

    Half of the structure , located in the northern city of Shijiazhuang , is a copy of Beijing 's Temple of Heaven , but the other half is the whitewashed rotunda of the US Capitol building .

  24. 据有关部门消息,昨天在白宫至美国国会大厦被警察追捕的康涅狄格州女性,在被击毙前出现幻觉,她认为总统正在和她交流。

    According to authorities , the Connecticut woman who led police on a chase between the White House and the US Capitol yesterday before being killed by police was delusional and apparently believed the president was communicating with her .

  25. 八年前的一月份一个寒冷的早上,我站在美国国会大厦,把手放在圣经上,宣誓保卫美国人民和美国宪法。

    Eight years ago , on a cold January morning , I stood on the steps of the United States Capitol , placed my hand on the Bible , and swore a sacred oath to defend our people and our Constitution .

  26. 他穿过了议会大楼的前门,你可能听到这个会感到很惊讶,这个门并没有像美国国会大厦或是白宫那样的安保措施。

    He moved through the front doors of the Parliament building , which are not - you might be surprised to hear - secure in the way that for instance , I imagine that your Congress buildings are or your White House is .

  27. 美国的国会大厦很容易地就能放进这座五角形建筑的任何一个角中。

    The National Capitol could easily fit into any one of its five wedge-shaped parts .

  28. 当珍妮特•兰金第一次作为美国代表走进国会大厦时,她肯定很突出。

    AZUZ : When Jeanette Rankin first walked into the Capitol as a U.S. representative , she certainly stood out .

  29. 最近罗莎·帕克斯去世了,你们可能已经看到了相关报道。她曾是一名裁缝,嫁给了一个理发师,但现在她却长眠于美国首都华盛顿国会大厦的圆形建筑里,受世人敬仰。

    Recently , as you probably maybe have read , Rosa Parks , a former seamstress married to a barber , married to a hairdresser , died , and she lay in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capital in Washington .

  30. 国会大厦是美国国会举行会议的大厦。

    The Capitol is the building where the America Congress meets .