
měi chāo
  • greenback;United States notes
美钞 [měi chāo]
  • [greenback;United States note] 美国纸币

美钞[měi chāo]
  1. 玉米的好收成会给你兜里带进大量钞票(注:greenback是美钞的别称)。

    A good crop of corn can put a lot of greenbacks in your pocket .

  2. 美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)的数据显示,2008年以来流通中的美元现金量攀升了42%,主要因为欧洲人在不断囤积高面值美钞。

    According to recent figures from the Federal Reserve , the amount of dollar cash in circulation has jumped 42 % since 2008 , mainly because Europeans are stashing an ever-increasing number of high-value bills under their mattresses .

  3. 美元被称为greenbacks,因为美钞的背面是绿色的。

    Dollars are called greenbacks because that is the color of the back side of the paper money .

  4. 在众筹网站Kickstarter上发布的宣传视频中,哥伦比亚商学院MBA学生康纳o威尔逊和诺兰o沃尔什站在一个房间里,一群男女模特围着一堆靴子和鞋子欢欣跳跃,而威尔逊和沃尔什则朝着那堆鞋子撒美钞。

    On their Kickstarter video , Columbia Business School MBA candidates Connor Wilson and Nolan Walsh stand in a room where a group of male and female models cavorts around a pile of boots and shoes as they shower dollar bills upon it .

  5. 政府将破损的美钞收回作废。

    The government retires worn or torn dollar bills from use .

  6. 新的美钞令人耳目一新。

    Crispness of new dollar bills ; crispness of fresh lettuce .

  7. 在他的西装背心口袋里有些零碎票子&绿颜色的美钞。

    There were some loose bills in his vest pocket & greenbacks .

  8. 尽管美钞很重要,但它实际上并不重。

    Despite its weighty importance , the dollar bill actually weighs little .

  9. 哪一个能最先拿到百元美钞呢?

    Which one is going to get to the hundred-dollar bill fiirst ?

  10. 我在哪儿可以把英镑兑换成美钞?

    Where can I change my English money for dollars ?

  11. 对不起,这两张百元美钞是伪造的。

    Sorry , these two one-hundred-dollar bills are counterfeit .

  12. 拨电给美钞让它尝试来找到我。

    Dialing for dollars is trying to find me .

  13. 在正中间是一张很新的百元美钞。

    And dead in the center is a crisp , new hundred-dollar bill .

  14. 乔治华盛顿总统的像在一元美钞上。

    Prisident George Washington is on the dollar bill .

  15. 送茶水的小费都是百元美钞

    They tip the chai-wallah with $ 100 bills .

  16. 好的,我的百元美钞,看到了吧?

    Okay , my hundred-dollar bill , all right ?

  17. 你做这行经常拿到百元美钞吗?

    Get a lot of $ 100 bills in your line of work ?

  18. 或是用来印美钞砍的树比较重?

    Or the trees cut down to print all US currency in circulation ?

  19. 很少有美钞能保存超过18个月。

    Few dollar bills survive longer than 18 months .

  20. 这个手提箱里全是美钞。

    The suitcase was full of dollar bills .

  21. 在一百元美钞上面

    On an American one hundred dollar bill ...

  22. 我借给他几张美钞。

    I lent him a few green backs .

  23. 这种新的绿色纸币很快获得了“美钞”这个绰号。

    The new green colored paper money quickly earned the nickname " greenback . "

  24. 中国则反驳称,美国印制美钞才是操纵市场。

    China retorts that it is America that is manipulating the markets by printing dollars .

  25. 一百美元面额的美钞。

    A US bill worth 100 dollars .

  26. 你也许会认为制造假美钞很容易。

    You might think that it would be easy to make a phony dollar bill .

  27. 士兵的薪饷是发硬币还是美钞,视情形而定。

    The soldiers will be paid in coin or green backs as the case may be .

  28. 新版20元美钞

    The New 20 - Dollar Bill

  29. 解释百元美钞的事

    Explain the hundred dollar bill .

  30. 美钞不仅重量轻,而且使用寿命短。

    Not only is the dollar bill lightweight , but it also has a brief lifespan .