
  • 网络Montaigne;Michel de Montaigne
  1. 但他担任创意总监这几年成绩喜人,也会永远记刻在1946年创立于巴黎蒙田大道30号(30AvenueMontaigne)的迪奥的历史功勋簿上。

    His tenure was successful , a fact that will not be lost on the fashion house founded at Paris 's 30 Avenue Montaigne in 1946 .

  2. 路威酩轩集团(LVMH)的主席、首席执行官贝尔纳·阿尔诺(BernardArnault)微笑着坐在蒙田大道这个奢侈购物乌托邦高层的镶木会议室里。

    High above the luxury shopping utopia that is the Avenue Montaigne in Paris , Bernard Arnault , the 65-year old chairman and chief executive of LVMH Mo & # 235 ; t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , was sitting in a wood-paneled conference room and smiling .

  3. 路威酩轩集团(LVMH)的主席、首席执行官贝尔纳·阿尔诺(BernardArnault)微笑着坐在蒙田大道这个奢侈购物乌托邦高层的镶木会议室里。65岁的他真的在微笑:我能看到他眼角的皱纹和闪亮的牙齿。

    High above the luxury shopping utopia that is the Avenue Montaigne in Paris , Bernard Arnault , the 65-year old chairman and chief executive of LVMH Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , was sitting in a wood-paneled conference room and smiling . Really smiling : eyes crinkled , teeth agleam .

  4. 这正是蒙田(Montaigne)在提醒读者“国王和哲学家都要排便”时所要表达的意思。通过淫秽粗俗或性唤起,将人类之动物本性这一事实永恒而赤裸地公之于众,是民主的一种神能量。

    That is what Montaigne meant when he reminded his readers that ' both kings and philosophers defecate . ' Making public the permanent and leveling truths of our animal nature , through obscenity or evocations of sex , is one of democracy 's sacred energies . '

  5. 什么都来一点儿,什么也得不到。&蒙田

    A little of everything , and nothing at all . - Montaigne

  6. 蒙田对食人族生活的陈述有何重要性?

    How serious is Montaigne 's account of the life of the Cannibals ?

  7. 我先父热心于建设他的出生地蒙田。

    My father loved to build up Montaigne , where he was born .

  8. 每事浅尝即止,便一事无成。&蒙田。

    A little of everything , and nothing at all . & Montaigne .

  9. 蒙田鼓励我们去责怪作者。

    Montaigne encouraged us to blame the author .

  10. 在蒙田研究所的报告中,他们得出的结论是惊人的。

    Their conclusions , in a report for the Institut Montaigne , are striking .

  11. 第二部分阐述了蒙田心理学和人类学历史方法的应用。

    The second part has explained his application of the psychology and anthropology to historiography .

  12. 我引用别人的话,是为了更好地表达自己。&蒙田

    I quote others in order the better to express my own self . - Montaigne

  13. 蒙田,法国作家

    Michel de Montaigne , French writer

  14. 有没有可能把食人族的组织制度引进蒙田那个时代的欧洲?

    Would it be possible to import Cannibal institutions into the Europe of Montaigne 's day ?

  15. 蒙田的怀疑论是摧毁中世纪经院哲学精神统治的有力武器;

    The scepticism of Montaigne is a powerful weapon to destroy the spirit control of scholasticism of Middle Ages .

  16. 位于巴黎第八区的蒙田大道汇聚了法国独一无二的高级定制时装店和香水店。

    Avenue Montaigne in Paris '8th arrondissement has some of the exclusive haute-couture boutiques and perfumeries in the Frenchcapital .

  17. 我们知悉很多关于蒙田的习惯、好和偏见等的细节与特点。

    We learn a great deal about the details and features of Montaigne 's habits , tendencies , and biases .

  18. 蒙田要表明的意思是,关于人文的书没有理由要写得艰涩而枯燥;

    There are , so Montaigne implied , no legitimate reasons why books in the humanities should be difficult or boring ;

  19. 蒙田结合自身的经验探讨友谊问题,把友谊划分为普通友谊和崇高友谊。

    Montaigne probes into friendship with his own experience , dividing it into two types : common friendship and noble friendship .

  20. 蒙田写道:“即使是世界上最高的宝座,也是被屁股坐着的。”

    Even on the highest throne in the world , ' Montaigne writes , ' we are still sitting on our asses . '

  21. 蒙田写道:即使是世界上最高的宝座,也是被屁股坐着的。

    ' Even on the highest throne in the world , ' Montaigne writes , ' we are still sitting on our asses . '

  22. 当我逗弄我的猫时,谁知她是不是正在逗我玩更甚于我逗她呢?蒙田。

    When I play with my cat , who knows whether she isn 't amusing herself with me more than I am with her .

  23. 蒙田曾写道,即使我们可以凭借别人的知识成为学者,但要成为哲人,却只能靠我们自己的智慧。

    Montaigne once wrote that We can be knowledgeable with other men 's knowledge , but we can 't be wise with other men 's wisdom .

  24. 科顿:英国诗人和翻译家,以其描写农村生活的诗和所译蒙田的散文(1685年)而著名。

    Cotton : English poet and translator known for his poems on country life as well as his translation ( 1685 ) of Montaigne 's essays .

  25. 发生在蒙田大道上的哈利·温斯顿珠宝店持械抢劫案是法国历史上最大胆的,当然也是最重大的珠宝抢劫案。

    The heist at the Harry Winston store on the luxury Avenue Montaigne was among the most daring and certainly the biggest jewel theft in French history .

  26. 蒙田的怀疑论是对古代怀疑论思想的恢复或复兴,但与古代怀疑论性质不同。

    The scepticism of Montaigne is the " recovery " or " revival " of the thoughts of ancient scepticism , but the two have different natures .

  27. 将时间用于阅读,那是知识的源泉,蒙田曾经说过,不是我造就了书,而是书造就了我。

    The time for reading , it is a source of knowledge , Montaigne once said that I did not bring a book , but books bring me .

  28. 本文试图在这一方面做一些探讨,以期恢复蒙田在西方史学史上应有的地位。

    This text attempts to do some discussions in this respect , and is in the hope of resuming Montaigne 's due status in the history of western historiography .

  29. 试从《蒙田随笔全集》论蒙田的历史观每事浅尝辄止,结果一事无成。&蒙田

    On Meng Tian 's Historical Viewpoint Based on Complete Collection of Meng Tian 's Essays A little of everything , and nothing at all . & Michel de Montaigne

  30. 第四部分:以时间为线索,论述了从十七世纪到当代蒙田历史思想所产生的影响,并且对其进行分析和评论。

    The fourth part has expounded Montaigne 's influence from the 17th century to our times , and has commented on his historical thoughts briefly with the clue of time .