
jìng jiè
  • realm;state;boundary;condition;extent reached;plane attained
境界 [jìng jiè]
  • (1) [boundary]∶边界,疆界

  • (2) [realm]∶事物所达到的程度或呈现出的情况

  • 思想境界高

  • (3) 处境 [condition]

  • 境界危恶。--宋. 文天祥《 指南录后序》

境界[jìng jiè]
  1. 式a适于测算境界明显的粒子,式b则不论粒子境界如何,对各类样品均适合,包括组织学切片和细胞学涂片。

    Formula a could been used for the particles which are boundary obviously . Formula b could been used for all kind of sample including histological section and cytological smear despite the particles boundary are obvious or not .

  2. 露天矿开采境界优化与动态管理

    The optimization of mining boundary and dynamic management of open pit

  3. 我在冥想,并进入了一个更高的意识境界。

    I was meditating , and reached a higher state of consciousness .

  4. 我想知道你为什么不认为他具有同样崇高的思想境界。

    I wonder why you can 't credit him with the same generosity of spirit

  5. 独处是一种修得的境界。

    Living alone is an acquired taste .

  6. 最高境界的快乐,是彼此相爱!

    Most of all , joy is loving each other .

  7. 不同的经济技术条件确定不同的开采境界。

    Different condition of economy and technology define different open pit limit .

  8. 他的诗达到了晚清诗人的境界。

    His poetry rises to the level of the late Qing poets .

  9. 他的思想境界比我高。

    He has nobler thoughts than I.

  10. 我们要以更宽的视野、更高的境界、更大的气魄,广开进贤之路,把各方面优秀干部及时发现出来、合理使用起来。

    We should open up , with greater vision , determination and courage , channels for recruiting talented personnel , quickly identify outstanding cadres in all fields and put them to good use .

  11. “多年来,威尼斯的遗产状况一直在恶化,现在已经到了极度危险的境界,”塔贝特告诉联合国教科文组织。

    For several years , the situation of heritage in Venice has been worsening , and it has now reached a dramatic situation , Tabet told UNESCO .

  12. 他受追求“完美境界”的极端热情所驱策。

    He was driven by a corroding rage for " perfection " .

  13. 不过,日本一家店将抗衰老的仪器做到了一个新的境界。

    But one store in Japan is taking age-defying gadgets to a whole new level .

  14. 以他的故事拍成的电影《美丽境界》,正在本地上映。

    His story is told poignantly in the film , A Beautiful Mind , now showing here .

  15. 孔子听了,回头对他的弟子说:“无论做什么事情,只有锲而不舍,专心致志,才能达到这样出神人化的境界。这就是这位驼背老人告诉我们的道理。”

    Hearing this , Confucius turned to his disciples and said : " Whatever you do , only when you persevere of perfection . This is the truth that this hunchbacked old man has taught us . "

  16. 他情不自禁地取琴弹奏,音随意转,把大自然的美妙融进了琴声,伯牙体验到一种前所未有的境界。

    He couldn 't help taking his musical instrument and playing it . He followed his inclinations8 while he was playing , and incorporated the beautiful nature with his music , thus reaching a realm of thought he had never experienced before .

  17. 孔子听了,回头对他的弟子说:“无论做什么时候,只有锲而不舍,专心致志,才能达到这样出神人化的境界。这就是这位驼背老人告诉我们的道理。”

    Hearing this , Confucius turned to his disciples and said : " Whatever you do , only when you persevere10 with concentrated attention and devotion , can you achieve the acme11 of perfection . This is the truth that this hunchbacked old man has taught us . "

  18. 结果良恶性两组肿块在大小、信号均匀性、境界及对周围结构的侵犯等方面差异无统计学意义(P值均>0.05),其MRI特征有很大重叠性。

    Results The differences of the size , signal intensity homogeneity , border and involvement of surround structure between benign and malignant lesions had no statistically significant differences ( P > 0.05 ) .

  19. 以德治国&社会主义道德建设的新境界

    Rule by Virtue & the new realm of socialist moral construction

  20. 马克思主义理论创新的新成果新境界

    The New Achievements and Realm in the Innovation of Marxist Theory

  21. 论嵇康的自然境界

    The Discussion about Spontaneity On Ji Kang 's State of Spontaneity

  22. 试用哲学境界析解叔本华悲观哲学

    Tentatively on Schopenhauerian Pessimist Philosophy from the Perspective of Philosophical Realm

  23. 论道家、儒家的人生境界之道

    On Tao of Taoism and Confucianism as a Realm of Life

  24. 关于黄金价格与经济合理剥采比及露天开采境界三者关系的探讨

    Discussion on the relations , economic stripping ratio and open-pit configuration

  25. 论京派诗话小说理想世界的三重境界

    Three Bourns of Ideal World in Poetry Story of Beijing Faction

  26. 善,即“生”,分三个境界。

    Good , i.e. ," life ", falls into three stages .

  27. 无偿献血,体现您高尚的精神境界。

    Unpaid blood donation embodies the spirit of the noble realm .

  28. 科技期刊编辑的高境界:洞见和齐物

    High realm by editors of sci-tech journals : insight and uniformity

  29. 眼界决定境界、思路决定出路。

    The eyes decide the goal ; the mind decides the way .

  30. 北露天煤矿最终境界边坡的稳定性分析

    Analysis on stability of final boundary slope in North Open Pit Mine