
  • 网络Masked men;Masked Man;mask man
  1. 蒙面人在伦敦南部抢劫了一辆运钞车。

    Masked men held up a wages van in South london .

  2. 两个蒙面人冲进银行。

    Two masked men rushed into the bank .

  3. 他在家里抓住了一个私自闯入的蒙面人。

    He tackled a masked intruder at his home .

  4. 八月十四号,在一个远离伦敦的冷清地点,从Glasgow道伦敦的火车被一个同样装束的15个蒙面人劫持了。

    August14th , 1963 , at a lonely spot outside London , the Glasgow to London mail train was halted by a red signal and ambushed by15 masked men .

  5. 两个蒙面人命令店员交出钱来,还倒空了装满珠宝的托盘。

    Two masked men demanding money and emptying trays of jewellery .

  6. 我一看见那个持枪的蒙面人就吓得浑身冰凉。

    The sight of the masked gunman made my blood freeze .

  7. 两个蒙面人突然从树后边冒了出来。

    Two masked men sprang out flora behind a tree .

  8. 今天上午3个蒙面人持枪抢劫了银行。

    Three masked man stuck up the bank this morning .

  9. 他受到两个蒙面人的袭击。

    He was set upon by two masked men .

  10. 这个蒙面人象鬼一样出没于月光照耀的院子。

    The masked men ghosted across the moonlit yard .

  11. 那么你想知道这个蒙面人什么呢?

    So what 's with the mask you ask ?

  12. 他告诉警察说两个蒙面人把他痛打了一顿。

    He told the police that he had been beaten up by two masked men .

  13. 仰韶文化陶器上蒙面人纹饰表达的应当是一种神秘主义的主题。

    The veiled man engraved on stoneware of Yangshao Culture expressed mysticism as a theme .

  14. 俞秀莲接住了短箭,蒙面人趁此机会逃走。

    She catches it , but the masked figure takes the opportunity to get away .

  15. ]佬恍然大悟[来你就是那个蒙面人!

    ] High guy suddenly realize [ originally you be that receive to face the person !

  16. 本勃格的画作,将紧张感依托于置身这一仪式的两个蒙面人身份的无法确知。

    Bomberg 's depiction relies for itsunnerving effect on the unknowability of the two masked figures involved in theceremony .

  17. 那个蒙面人一见到高佬,举起拳头照打。

    That receives to face the person on seeing the high guy , raise the fist to shine on the dozen .

  18. 我是您的朋友。蒙面人用怪异的低沉腔调说,史塔克大人,我们得单独谈谈。

    A friend , the cowled man said in a strange , low voice . We must speak alone , Lord Stark .

  19. 英格博格公布了被盗时的监控录像,推测被拍到的蒙面人可能通过某种途径获得了钥匙。

    Ingerberg has released CCTV images of the thieves , speculating that the masked individuals pictured may have somehow obtained a key .

  20. 从大道那边到这边,蒙面人的车辆看见了对面新娘的马车。

    The carriage-load of masks caught sight of the wedding carriage containing the bridal party opposite them on the other side of the boulevard .

  21. 高佬惊云未定之时,从后面又跳出一个黑衣蒙面人。

    Surprised cloud of high guy undecided hour , jump a black dress of to receive to face the person again from the behind .

  22. 其中的一个蒙面人踩在滚动的珠子上,摔倒在地。听到他狂怒的叫喊,持枪的同伴转过身去。

    One of the masked men slid as his foot hit a rolling bead and his companion holding the gun turned at the sound of his fury .

  23. 后来又如何在迦太基受人陷害被关进监狱,最后来了一帮蒙面人就把史密斯杀害了。

    And that finally , being drawn into ambuscade at Carthage , he was thrown into prison , and assassinated by a band of men disguised in masks .

  24. 飞刀悲愤扬起飞刀,刺杀日军无数,但寡不敌众,万分危急时,一伙蒙面人从天而降,救出飞刀。

    Flying Flying raised anger , countless Japanese soldiers to kill , but outnumbered , very critical time , a group of masked men appear out of the blue , Flying rescued .

  25. 之后,参与者会被安排去看负面图片比如一个女子被蒙面人用刀指着喉咙与此同时参与者的大脑活动会被监测和记录下来。

    Then , the participants looked at negative images such as a woman having a knife held to her throat by a masked man as their brain activity was monitored and recorded .

  26. 蒙面布下面那人冷酷的双眼在盯着他。

    The man 's hard eyes under the cloth looked at him .