- dandelion

[dandelion] 多年生草本植物( Tarax acum mongolicum ),全株含白浆,叶丛生,花黄色,果实褐色,上带白色软毛,可顺风飘散,全草供药用,能清热、解毒
The Dandelion Patch is the least developed of the four active vents . “
She said she hopes the children can help more people in the mountainous region , and function as dandelion seeds .
Dandelion stems are full of milk , clover heads are loaded with nectar , the Frigidaire is full of ice-cold drinks .
The root is long , thick , and tapering2 , and it has many small fibres or rootlets growing from its sides and from the end .
The dandelion has no long stem or trunk , but from the top of the root a number of green leaves spread out and form a rosette .
All through the summer , and during spring and autumn as well , our meadows and waste places are thickly dotted with the bright-yellow flowers of the common weed called the dandelion .
The side of each leaf looks a little like the jaw3 of a lion , and our name dandelion comes from the French name of this plant , which means " lion 's tooth . "
But the root of the dandelion does more than this : it stores up in its thick part much food for the use of the plant , to help it in producing its flowers and seeds .
The best solvents was xylene and N , N-dimethylformamide that dissolved the extract perfectly .
HPLC Specific Chromatograms of Herba Taraxaci from Different Areas of Yibin
Microwave cooking increased the contents of acid , soluble sugar , decreased the contents of vitamin C , amino-N.
Identification of Herba Taraxaci and Its Adulterants in Hong Kong Market by DNA Fingerprinting with Random Primed PCR
Effect of Environment of Highway on POD Isoenzyme in the Dandelion Taraxacum Plant
RAPD analysis for genetic relationship and diversity of four species of genus Taraxacum Officinale
Result : All the three samples were found safflower , nutagrass flatsedge rhizome , dandelion in the TLC chromatography .
The erythrocyte flow in capillary on mice peritoneum was evaluated in group given T_1 , water and Vitamin E respectively .
Objective To establish a qualitative and quantitative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography ( RP-HPLC ) with fingerprinting technique for quality control of compound dandelion enema .
Objective : How dandelion capsule resist the recrudesce of digestive ulcer ( PU ) and its regulating action to T lymphocyte subfamily in blood that circulate outside .
Heidi Kallett had been sending out thank-you notes , but she was looking for another way to keep her stationery and gifts stores , The Dandelion Patch , going .
The peripheral vegetation of coal gangue were contaminated , vegetation coverage is low , and summarized the oneness herbs grow , if dandelions , sticktight , castor oil plant , these three kinds of plants are summarized for Cd .
Plants that are said to improve oxygen flow such as dong quai , dandelion or yellow dock may also help , as could Vitamins E and D.Your doctor may be able to help you here , too , and be sure to consult them before use .
TM can increase the reduced level of SOD and GSH-PX activity , inhibit the level of lipid peroxidation , and reduce the number of neurons apoptosis after TBI , and therefore has neuroprotective actions after acute traumatic brain .
Results The best combination scheme of the three Natural Chinese herbs on H.Pylori metronidazole resistant strains was Laggera pterodonta ( MIC90 , 77.9 mg / ml ), Pomegranate Rind ( MIC90 , 131.1 mg / ml ), Taraxacum mongolicum ( MIC75, 117.27 mg / ml ) .
Nano-CuO with dandelion-like morphology has been attained by employing CuCl_2 in 50 % ammonia via hydrothermal synthesis . Adding surfactants to the reaction system , chrysanthemum-like CuO was obtained with OP and ball-like CuO with potassium oleate .
Taraxacum mongo ( TM ) is one kind of catananche renascent herbs , and has various pharmacological effects , such as broad-spectrum antibiotic , antimutation , antitumor , and oxidation resistance and so on .
When the salt content is 5 g · kg ~ ( - 1 ) , only Iris lacteal , Taraxacum mongolicum , and Coronilla varia could germinate and grow , but the germination delayed , and the rate of germination decrease markedly .
Results : the active component t_1of Pugongying had the effect of anti-hepatitis virus c ; promoting capillary circulation , accelerating bile secretion and pituitary secretion ; inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and diuresis .
The results showed that 95 % of ethanol used as solvent beneficial flavonoids and chlorogenic acid extraction , the liquid ratio of 50 and 40 , respectively , the extraction temperature were 60 ℃ and 50 ℃, Glycyrrhiza and Taraxacum extract the best .
The nutritional components of two wild edible herbs ( dandelion and Chinese wolfberry ) have been analysed preliminarily . The results show the contents of the nutritional components in the edible parts of 100g sample of fresh dandelion and Chinese wolfberry respectively are : water 91.19g , 90.92g ;
This time , dandelion capsules can soften hard fecal matter .