
  • 网络dandelion;dandelion flowers
  1. 蒲公英花黄色素的超声提取工艺及叶黄素含量测定那朵蒲公英花的边缘已开始打蔫,花瓣儿从梗上向下有气无力地耷拉着。

    Ultrasonic extraction of yellow pigment from Dandelion ′ s petal and quantitative determination of its lutein The edges of the dandelion were already Beginning to curl and it flopped lazily from its stem .

  2. 他们坐在一起,他用蒲公英花编了一个花环,戴在了萨拉的头上。

    And together they had sat and woven a crown of dandelions for her hair .