
  • 网络Steam;STEAM ROOM
  1. 舞会,蒸汽房,和别的情侣

    Ummm * party , steam room , with couples

  2. 她没办法把我关在蒸汽房

    She couldnhave locked me in the steam room ,

  3. 但他们的小缸、蒸汽房、桑拿房等业务可照常操作。

    But bathtub , steamroom , sauna room business can deal with as usual .

  4. 例如,他为自己的蒸汽房技术增加了一种特殊的点缀:一个加热蒸汽的“反应堆”。

    For instance , he has added a special touch to his steam room technology : a " reactor " that heats the steam .

  5. 按摩浴缸、简易淋浴房、整体淋浴房、蒸汽房、淋浴屏、淋浴柱、浴室柜、龙头等。

    Jacuzzi , Bathtub , Shower Enclosure , Shower Room , Sauna Room , Shower Panel , Shower Mixer , Bathroom Cabinet , Faucet etc.

  6. 基于单片机的蒸汽浴房智能化设计

    Intellectual Design for Laconicum Based on Single-chip Microcomputer

  7. 那是一个设备齐全的小型蒸汽洗衣房,凡机器可以做的工作都由最新式的机器做。

    It was a perfectly appointed , small steam laundry , wherein the most modern machinery did everything that was possible for machinery to do .

  8. 关键设备是蒸汽烘房,关键技术是化学去蜡和烘焙时间与温度的控制。

    The key equipment is steam drying room . The key points of the technology are the de-waxing by chemical method and the control of drying time and temperature .

  9. 针对燃油、燃气蒸汽锅炉房、热水锅炉房设计中有关安全的几个问题进行讨论,提高我们对有关规范、规程的认识水平和有关专业内容的设计水平。

    In view of fuel , gas steam boiler room , hot water boiler room design several issues related to security discussions , present their own views , through the exchange to improve our " norms "," rules " level of awareness and relevant professional content design standards .