
  • 网络THE BLUE PLANET;Blue Earth
  1. 当你进入环保廊,便会被美丽的蓝色星球吸引着,就好像正身处太空观看地球一样。

    As you enter the exhibition , you will be captured by the beauty of the blue planet as if you were viewing it from a distance in space .

  2. 女王在看过David先生解说的《蓝色星球2》,有关我们海洋的威胁以后,就被曝要求员工减少使用塑料袋。

    The Queen , who reportedly ordered staff to cut the use of plastic after watching Sir David 's Blue Planet II series on the threat to our oceans .

  3. 俄罗斯方块品牌独家代理商、蓝色星球软件公司(BluePlanetSoftware)CEO玛雅o罗杰斯表示,过去三十年来,这款游戏一直精心保护着它的核心玩法,进而成就了长盛不衰的传奇。

    Maya Rogers , the CEO of Blue Planet Software , the sole agent of the Tetris brand , said the protection of the game 's core over the last three decades has aided its longevity .

  4. 蓝色星球的绿色解决方案&记国际风景园林师联合会(IFLA)世界理事会会议及第43届世界大会

    Green Solutions for a Blue Planet & IFLA World Council Meeting and 43 ~ ( rd ) World Congress

  5. 天王星:天王星是一个诡异的匀质蓝色星球。

    Uranus : Uranus is a strange , uniform bluish orb .

  6. 从太空,我们会看到地球是个蓝色星球。

    Seeing from space , we can see the earth blue .

  7. 历史是这颗美丽的、秘的蓝色星球上的时间痕迹。

    Calvin : History is the time marks on this beautiful and mysterious blue planet .

  8. 有一次,地球是一个美丽的蓝色星球,那里的人们过着幸福的生活在树林之中和动物。

    Once , the earth was a beautiful blue planet where people lived happily among trees and animals .

  9. 一次这颗红色行星的旅程教给我们很多关于孤独的蓝色星球和宇宙之外的东西。

    A trip to this red planet has a lot to teach us about our lonely blue one and the universe beyond .

  10. 如果想看其他的水上奇观,可以去哥本哈根最新的蓝色星球水族馆,那是北欧最大的水族馆。—

    For additional watery wonders , head to Copenhagen 's new Blue Planet aquarium , billed as the largest in Northern Europe . -

  11. 环保人士呼吁减少或禁用塑料,英国广播公司《蓝色星球》等近期的电视节目也重点强调了塑料对海洋的影响。

    Campaigners have called for reductions or bans , with recent programs such as the BBC 's Blue Planet highlighting the impact of plastics on the world 's oceans .

  12. 这些小岛屿实为大洋国,其陆地面积只是其国土的一隅,其经验与蓝色星球上的所有居民休戚相关。

    These small islands are really vast ocean States whose land area is only a part of their territory and whose experience is vital for all the inhabitants of our blue planet .

  13. 我相信,总有一天,人们会真正懂得爱,真正懂得“和平与发展”,真正抛弃武力,把我们这个蓝色星球真正当作全人类共同拥有的美丽家园!

    I believe that one day people will truly understand love , truly understand the " peace and development ", really give force to our blue planet as mankind has really beautiful home !

  14. 我觉得人们之所以会有开头的那些迷惑,是因为在太空中的航天员看起来移动得并不快,他们看起来就像在慢慢飘过一颗蓝色星球。

    I think the reason for a lot of confusionabout these issues is that when astronauts are in orbit , it doesn 't seem likethey 're moving that fast ; they look like they 're drifting slowly over a bluemarble .

  15. 旅行者2号飞船于1977年启航,在1979年飞过木星,1981年飞过土星,1986年飞过天王星后,1989年从距海王星上空掠过。旅行者2号发现这颗巨型的蓝色星球外有个很大的黑色斑点。

    Launched in 1977 , Voyager 2 sped past Jupiter in 1979 , Saturn in 1981 , Uranus in 1986 , and Neptune in 1989 . Voyager discovered that a large dark spot marked the face of the giant blue planet .

  16. 这颗蓝色的星球已经生病了,再等,等来的会是什么!

    This blue earth is sick . Wait ? Wait for what !

  17. 地球确实是个蓝色的星球

    Ours is truly a blue planet .

  18. 他说自己希望帮助解答的一个问题是:当向窗外望去,看到地球这个淡蓝色的星球与其他行星毫无区别时,人们会作何反应?

    He said that one of the questions he hoped to help answer was : How do humans behave when they look out and see this pale blue dot that they can barely differentiate from a star ?

  19. 他说自己希望帮助解答的一个问题是:“当向窗外望去,看到地球这个淡蓝色的星球与其他行星毫无区别时,人们会作何反应?”

    He said that one of the questions he hoped to help answer was : " How do humans behave when they look out and see this pale blue dot that they can barely differentiate from a star ? "

  20. 从一颗蓝色的小星球,宇宙中那些有了微小意识的部分,

    From a small blue planet , tiny , conscious parts of our universe