
  • 网络Blueberry pie;Ricardo's Blueberry Pie
  1. 蓝莓派有什么不妥?

    Liz : So what 's wrong with the blueberry pie ?

  2. 蓝莓派有什么不好吗?

    NJ : So what wrong with the blueberry pie ?

  3. 蓝莓派没什么不妥。

    Jeremy : There 's nothing 's wrong with the blueberry pie .

  4. 但是,总会有一整块蓝莓派剩下,没人去碰。

    But , there 's always a whole blue berry pie left untouched .

  5. 都是蓝莓派惹的祸

    It 's the blueberry pie that does it .

  6. 昨天,猫把蓝莓派从楼上扔下来,砸在了老鼠的头上。

    Yesterday , the cat dropped a pie on top of him from the roof .

  7. 蓝莓派和冰淇淋

    Blueberry pie and ice cream !

  8. 这片口香糖结合了蕃茄汤烤牛肉和蓝莓派好像很好吃耶

    This piece of gum happens to be tomato soup , roast beef and blueberry pie . It sounds great .

  9. “看看我的青蛙吧。”艾弗利说,把青蛙放在滴水板上,伸出手去拿蓝莓派。

    " Look at my frog !" said Avery , placing the frog on the drain board and holding out his hand for pie .