
  • 网络Blue Origin
  1. 美国国家航空航天局必须在10月12日前对蓝色起源的起诉作出回应。

    Nasa must file a response to the legal action by 12 October .

  2. 蓝色起源还指控美国国家航空航天局在招标过程中对其提案进行了“非法和不当的评估”。

    It also accused Nasa of " unlawful and improper " of its proposals during the tender process .

  3. 蓝色起源表示,这笔交易存在“根本问题”,称其不公平。

    The former Amazon boss 's firm said there were " fundamental issues " with the deal , calling it unfair .

  4. 不满SpaceX获得登月合同,贝索斯旗下蓝色起源将NASA告上法庭

    Bezos sues Nasa over its deal with Elon Musk 's SpaceX

  5. 去年,蓝色起源与SpaceX竞标NASA在肯尼迪航天中心(KennedySpaceCenter)用于发射航天飞机的两个发射台之一,蓝色起源最后落败。

    Blue Origin lost another skirmish with SpaceX last year in the bidding to take over one of two launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center that NASA used for the space shuttles .

  6. 今年4月,蓝色起源完成了“新谢帕德号”(NewShepard)飞行器的首次试飞,在德克萨斯州西部的一处测试场地,以超过三倍音素的速度升至30.7万英尺(约9.3万米)的高度。

    In April , Blue Origin completed the first test flight of its New Shepard spacecraft , accelerating past three times the speed of sound to reach an altitude of 307000 feet above a testing site in West Texas .

  7. 蓝色起源对驳船着陆的设想申请了专利,但SpaceX成功地挑战了这一专利权,随后蓝色起源放弃了专利。

    Blue Origin had patented the barge landing idea , but SpaceX successfully challenged the patent , and Blue Origin has since given up on the claim .

  8. 贝佐斯会在蓝色起源的网站简要地介绍最新情况。

    Mr. Bezos provided brief updates on Blue Origin 's website .

  9. 蓝色起源还将在附近开设一家工厂。

    Blue Origin will also open a factory nearby .

  10. 但即使到现在,蓝色起源计划从卡纳维拉尔角发射升空的火箭到底是什么样的,也依然有些神秘。

    But even now , exactly what Blue Origin plans to launch from Cape Canaveral remains somewhat mysterious .

  11. 经历这一挫折后,蓝色起源考虑了位于五个州的发射台,最终选中了36号发射设施。

    After that setback , Blue Origin looked at options in five states before deciding on Launch Complex 36 .

  12. 杰夫·贝佐斯的航天公司蓝色起源正在起诉美国航空航天局,因其决定将一项价值29亿美元(约合人民币187.9亿元)的月球着陆器合同授予埃隆·马斯克的太空探索公司。

    Jeff Bezos 's space firm Blue Origin is suing Nasa over a decision to award a $ 2.9bn lunar lander contract to Elon Musk 's SpaceX .

  13. 蓝色起源总部设在西雅图以南的华盛顿州肯特市,以前它有时会隔几天或几个月,才发布成功或失败的消息。

    In the past , Blue Origin , based in Kent , Wash . , south of Seattle , has sometimes waited days or months to mention successes or failures .

  14. 在8月13日提交的一份法庭文件中,蓝色起源表示,他们仍然认为需要由两家供应商建造着陆系统,该系统最早将于2024年将宇航员运送到月球表面。

    In a court filing on Friday , Blue Origin said it continued to believe that two providers were needed to build the landing system , which will carry astronauts down to the Moon 's surface as early as 2024 .

  15. 蓝色接收器起源于昂宿星,在收到橘黄太阳的能量时,招致的是损害和晒斑。

    Blue receptors originated in the Pleiades and are subject to damage or sunburn in receiving the energy of a yellow-orange sun .