
shū ɡuǒ
  • vegetables and fruits
蔬果 [shū guǒ]
  • [vegetable and fruit] 蔬菜、水果

  • 喜爱蔬果的消费者,在夏季最有口福

  1. 正如大多数蔬果一样,菠菜不含脂肪,给我们提供维B和维C、蛋白质、钙和纤维。

    Just like most vegetables and fruits , spinach contains no fat . This plant provides us with B and C vitamins , protein , calcium and fiber .

  2. 去除蔬果中农药残留的方法研究

    Study on the methods of removing pesticide residues on vegetables and fruits

  3. 现在是个机会,蔬果店可通过销售土产胜过超市。

    Here is a chance for greengrocers to win out over the supermarkets by selling local produce .

  4. 多种蔬果类食物一起吃的话,一种食物所缺乏的营养会由另一种富含该营养的食物予以补足。

    When foods from different plant sources are eaten together , deficiency in one is compensated for by sufficiency in another

  5. Loblaw的高级副总裁IanGordon指出,顾客们通常太注重蔬果的外表了。

    Loblaw senior vice3 president Ian Gordon pointed4 out that customers often put too much stock in the look of food .

  6. 这种抗氧化成分还存在于包括西红柿在内的其他红色蔬果中。

    This antioxidant is also present in other red fruits and vegetables , including tomatoes .

  7. Loblaws是加拿大最大的食品零售商,该超市销售外表“难看”的食品,价格平均比更“好看”的蔬果便宜多至30%。

    Loblaws , the country 's largest food retailer1 , is selling ' ugly ' groceries that are up to 30 per cent cheaper than more aesthetically2 pleasing products .

  8. “清洁饮食”的基本要素包括——吃很多水果和蔬菜。蔬果都是纯天然的食物——这一理念就是要避免摄入任何可能以任何形式加工了的食品。

    The basics of clean eating include - eating lots of fruits and vegetables . These are straight from nature - the idea is to stay away from anything that may have been altered in any way .

  9. 他在声明中说:“我们经常过于关注蔬果的外貌,而不是味道。一旦苹果削皮切片,它曾经有点瑕疵或者长得不那么好看就根本不是事儿。”

    He said in a statement : ' We often focus too much on the look of produce rather than the taste . Once you peel or cut an apple you can 't tell it once had a blemish5 or was misshapen .

  10. 这些蔬果的维他命C和A含量很高。

    They 're higher in vitamins such as A and C.Or go for darker shades of greens .

  11. ColorYourDiet多吃彩色蔬果选择颜色最鲜艳的水果。

    Buy the brightest vegetables you see .

  12. 奥克兰的Imperfect公司专卖“丑”蔬果

    Oakland-Based Imperfect Will Sell Only " Ugly " Fruits And Vegetables

  13. 远洋蔬果复合气调包装系统(MAP)数学模型研究

    Study on Mathematical Modeling of Gas Exchange in Compound Modified Atmosphere Packaging System ( MAP ) for Vegetables & Fruits on Ocean Ship

  14. ICP-AES测定鲜蔬果等农作物中硅

    Determination of Silicon in the Crop Such as the Fresh Vegetable and Fruit by ICP-AES

  15. n.黄瓜请在卖蔬果部门买些黄瓜,我想做腌瓜。

    cucumber Please get some cucumbers in the vegetable section ; I 'll make pickles .

  16. 日前,美国缅因州州立大学列出了一些用以确保蔬菜水果可安全食用的比较好的方法,并且他们还测试了我们市面上常见的一些蔬果洗涤剂,譬如Fit和ozone系列洗涤剂。

    The University of Maine lists the best way to keep raw fruits and vegetables safe , and tested commercial wash treatments such as Fit and ozone systems .

  17. 覆盖膜:取代传统农业塑胶(PE)膜,适用短期蔬果农作物,并也适用于水果套袋。

    As cover or protection : the traditional agricultural plastic ( PE ) substitute , is suitable for short term use for apple products , and is also suitable as fruit bag .

  18. 在他那篇著名的宣扬异见的文章《无权力者的权力》(thepowerofthepowerless)中,核心人物蔬果店老板在商店橱窗上贴了一幅标语:“全世界无产者联合起来!”

    The central figure of his famous dissident essay , the power of the powerless , was a greengrocer with a placard in his window saying : " workers of the world unite ! "

  19. 这些蔬果的维他命C和A含量很高。深色的生菜也是很好的选择,比如长叶莴苣比透明包心菜有多七倍的维生素C和两倍的钙。

    They 're higher in vitamins such as A and C. Or go for darker shades of greens . Romaine lettuce , for example , has nearly seven times the vitamin C and twice the calcium of its paler iceberg cousin .

  20. 在四月份,英国伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)的研究者们发现,一天摄入七种蔬果或以上份量的人同那些一天摄入量少于一种的人相比,患癌症的风险降低25%,患心脏病的风险降低31%。

    In April , researchers at University College London found that eating seven daily portions or more could reduce the risk of cancer by 25 percent and of heart disease by 31 percent , compared to people who consumed less than one portion a day .

  21. Zoe是从事多媒体方面工作的,她花了整个上午用相机照下了我从她冰箱拿出来的蔬果,还有我们创作出的菜肴。

    Zoe is a multimedia professional and spent the entire morning photographing the fresh produce I took from her fridge and more photographs of the dish we created .

  22. 在食品类的对比研究分析中,研究人员发现有机和无机蔬果中的维生素含量相近,牛奶中的蛋白质和脂肪含量也接近。有少数研究显示有机牛奶中不饱和脂肪酸(omega-3)的含量较高。

    Fruit and vegetables contained similar amounts of vitamins , and milk the same amount of protein and fat - although a few studies suggested organic milk contained more omega-3 .

  23. CNN主播克莉丝蒂·陆·史道:这些蔬果全都是当地种植的。如果你问“本地膳食主义者”他们都会说,支持当地饮食主要有专项理由:口味、价格和拯救地球。

    KRISTIE LU STOUT , CNN ANCHOR : Now all this is grown locally , and when you talk to localvores , they say eating locally usually comes down to three things : taste , price and saving the planet .

  24. Chesler和Simon相信,顾客如果能意识到蔬果的美丑跟口感并无关系,就会开始接受卖相不好的蔬果。

    Chesler and Simon believe that once consumers realize that " ugly " fruits and vegetables taste as good as the " beautiful " produce supermarkets display , they will embrace the cause .

  25. 目的:羽扇豆醇(Lupeol)广泛存在于蔬果等天然食物中,具有抗肿瘤活性,但其本身又有一定免疫抑制作用。

    Objective : Lupeol , widely found in fruits and vegetables and other natural foods , has anti-tumor activity , as well as immune inhibitory function .

  26. 当他和ABCNews的记者在手机上说话时,他说自己正在一家蔬果店考虑到底是要买小富士苹果还是美国青苹果,这就日常生活中认知活动最典型的例子。

    As he spoke to ABCNews.com from his cell phone , he said he was also in a grocery store choosing between gala and granny smith apples - a perfect example of switching between cognitive tasks in everyday life .

  27. 一种蔬果胶囊食用安全性评价

    Food Safety Evaluation on Micro-capsules Material Used for Vegetable and Fruit

  28. 蔬果摄入令血浆类胡萝卜素含量明显改变。

    Plasma carotenoid concentrations validated changes in fruit and vegetable intake .

  29. 老是把我的罐装食物放在蔬果上面。

    Always putting my canned goods on top of my produce .

  30. 低糖蔬果月饼馅料的制作

    Manufacture of vegetable and fruit moon cake stuffing with low sugar