
  • 网络Rosa;rose;rosa spp;rosa l
  1. 五种蔷薇属植物基因组DNA的提取及鉴定

    The Extraction of Genomic DNA from Five Species of Rosa

  2. 对蔷薇属(Rosa)38个野生种果实(以下简称蔷薇果)的经济性状进行了分析,并测定了VC、VE和胡萝卜素等重要维生素的含量。

    Vitamin C , E , carotenes and major economic characters in hips of 38 species of Rosa from China were studied . There were considerable variations in vitamin C contents in the genus .

  3. 玫瑰(Rosarugosa)是蔷薇属重要的观赏灌木,具有重要的观赏价值和经济价值,也是蔷薇属植物育种的重要亲本。

    Rosa rugosa which has great ornamental and economic value is an important kind of ornamental shrub of genus Rosa , it is also the concernful parental in cross breeding .

  4. 中国的一种常绿的、攀援的蔷薇属植物,花单生、黄色或白色。

    Chinese evergreen climbing rose with yellow or white single flowers .

  5. 我国蔷薇属植物资源及其园林应用前景

    Resources of Rosa in China and Its Prospect of Landscaping Application

  6. 短期冷藏对蔷薇属植物种子发芽率的影响

    Effects of Short Cold-storage Time on Seed Germination Capacity of Rosa Seeds

  7. 安徽蔷薇属植物资源及其开发利用

    Plant Resources of Rosa and Their Utilization in Anhui Province

  8. 山东蔷薇属植物资源及其园林应用的调查研究

    Investigation and Landscape Application of Rosa Resources in Shandong Province

  9. 浅谈蔷薇属植物对改善干旱地区生态环境功能的作用

    On The Genus Rosa to Improve the Ecological Environment Function in Arid Areas

  10. 一种欧洲高山地区的开深红色花的蔷薇属植物。

    European alpine rose with crimson flowers .

  11. 蔷薇属38个野生种果实的维生素含量及其与分组的关系

    Vitamin contents in the hips of 38 species of Rosa and their relation to division of sections

  12. 4种蔷薇属植物叶片黄酮含量的季节性变化

    Change of the total flavonol glycosides contents of the leaves from four Rosa species with phonological phases

  13. 国产蔷薇属植物82种,约占世界总数的41%。

    There are 82 species of wild roses in China , accounting for 41 % to the world .

  14. 蔷薇属花卉生产技术规程优良观赏竹苗高效丰产栽培技术规程

    Technical Rule of Rose Flower Production Technical Rule for High Efficient and High-yield Cultivation of Excellent Ornamental Bamboo Seedlings

  15. 半致死温度和主成分分析方法适用于蔷薇属植物的抗寒性的鉴定。

    The semi-lethal temperature and principal components analysis method were applicable to the cold tolerance evaluation of wild Rosa resources in Yunnan .

  16. 在旧的分类中的乔木如李桃和杏现今被分类在蔷薇属。

    Used in former classifications for plum and peach and almond trees which are now usually classified as members of the genus Prunus .

  17. 中国是蔷薇属植物主要分布区,中国野生蔷薇为现代月季立下了汗马功劳。

    China is the main distribution area of the rose-category plants , and China 's wild rosebush contributes great to the modern China rose .

  18. 这是一种生长在中国广西的野生蔷薇属的甜味的茶。研究显示它具有抗过敏,预防和治疗甘草热的功效。

    Chinese sweet tea from the wild in Guangxi rose family ( or thorny branches ), research shows that its anti-allergy , hay fever can be used for the prevention and treatment .

  19. 通过大量的实地调查、查阅文献和腊叶标本,初步查清了安徽蔷薇属植物资源,约有13种,9变种和2变型。

    Plant resources of Rosa in Anhui Province were investigated by means of field investigation , data collection and specimen examination . The result showed that there were about 13 species , 9 varieties and 2 forms of Rosa in Anhui province .

  20. 玫瑰、月季、蔷薇等蔷薇属植物RAPD分析

    The RAPD analysis of the Rosa genus Plant of R.rugosa , R.chinensis and R.davurica

  21. 桃(prunuspersica)系蔷薇科李属果树,原产我国。

    Peach ( Prunus persica ) is one of fruit crops in Rosaceae originating from China .

  22. 玫瑰(RosarugosaThunb.)是蔷薇科蔷薇属的一种重要的观赏植物,花型秀美,芳香四溢,色彩绚丽。

    Rose ( Rosa rugosa Thunb . ) is an important ornamental plant of rosaceous , with beautiful and fragrant flowers .

  23. 观赏海棠(Malussp.)系蔷薇科苹果属,与苹果亲缘关系较近,常作为苹果的授粉树栽植。

    Crabapple ( Malus sp. ) , Malus of Rosaceae , has close genetic relationship with apple , and often been planted as pollination tree for apple .

  24. 蛇莓Duchesneaindia(Andr.)Focke系蔷薇科蛇莓属多年生草本植物,在全国各地均有分布。

    Duchesnea India ( Andr . ) Focke ( D. indica ) is a perennial herb of Rosaceae Duchesnea , and distributed throughout the country .

  25. 玫瑰(RosarugosaThunb.),为蔷薇科蔷薇属落叶灌木,原产于我国华北、日本和朝鲜,现广泛栽培于世界各地。

    Rose ( Rosa rugosa Thunb . ), a deciduous shrub , is native to North China , Japan and Korea , and now widely cultivated around the world .

  26. 玫瑰(Rosarugosa)是蔷薇科蔷薇属落叶灌木,从其花瓣中提取的玫瑰精油浓缩了花中的各种芬芳物质。

    Rose ( Rosa rugosa ) is a deciduous shrub of genus Rosa in the Rosaceae family , the rose essential oil is a concentrated hydrophobic liquid containing volatile aroma compounds that is extracted from rose flowers .

  27. 中药金樱子为蔷薇科蔷薇属灌木植物(RosaLaevigataMichx.),分布范围比较广泛,主要分布于我国华东,中南,西南等地。

    Rosa laevigata Michx . ( R. laevigata ) is a very interesting shrub in the Rosa genus of Rosaceae family . They distribute widely , mainly grow in East China , South-middle China and Southwest China .

  28. 玫瑰(Rosarugosa)是蔷薇科蔷薇属灌木,是优良的园林绿化和水土保持树种,还是香料、化妆、食品、医药等行业的重要原料,有很高的观赏价值和经济价值。

    Rosa rugosa belong to rosaceae genus Rosa shrubs , is good landscape and water and soil conservation species , or spices , cosmetics , food , medicine industry important raw materials , has a high ornamental value and economic value .

  29. 红叶石楠Photinia×fraseri于1998年从国外引入江苏农林职业技术学院,它属于蔷薇科石楠属杂交品种,是目前全球绿化树种中最为时尚的红叶系列树种。

    Photinia × fraseri is a hybrid of Photinia Genus in Rosa Family . It was imported Jiangsu Polytechnic College of Agriculture and Forestry from abroad in 1998 . It is one of most fashionable red leaf trees in the whole world .

  30. 属蔷薇科蔷薇属植物。混凝土构件火灾后损伤程度鉴定和加固

    An appraisal of failure degree and consolidation of concrete member after fire hazard