
qiáng wēi huā
  • rose
蔷薇花[qiáng wēi huā]
  1. 风中蔷薇花

    The rose in the wind

  2. 接着,一个骄傲急躁的动作,谢利从敞开的窗格探进来的枝柯上猛地摘下一朵蔷薇花。

    With a movement of proud impatience , Shirley snatched a rose from a branch peeping through the open lattice .

  3. 多花蔷薇花挥发油化学成分的GC/MS分析

    Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil in Rosa multiflora Thunb by GC / MS Technique

  4. 溶剂热合成三维蔷薇花状SnS2微晶

    Solvothermal Synthesis of 3D Rosa-Like SnS_2 Microcrystals

  5. 灯盏花素β-环糊精包合物片剂的研制溶剂热合成三维蔷薇花状SnS2微晶

    Studies on the Procedure of Breviscapine - β - CD-inclusion Compound ; Solvothermal Synthesis of 3D Rosa-Like SnS_2 Microcrystals

  6. 毛叶蔷薇花的精油成分

    Chemical constituents of the essential oil from flowers of Rosa mairei

  7. 蔷薇花状小面包-所以俾斯麦是个皇帝?

    Kaiser roll . - so is BISMARCK a kaiser ?

  8. 有些蔷薇花攀在架子上。

    Some roses climb on frames .

  9. 长在格子棚架上的蔷薇花

    Roses growing on a trellis

  10. 除了模样可以比美其它蔷薇花外,果实也可以实用。

    May compare favorably with other roses besides the appearance , the fruit may also be practical .

  11. 我看到这蔷薇花,闻到忍冬的香味,就好像到了家里,所以我大胆&。

    I saw the roses and smelled the honeysuckle and it was so much like home that I was emboldened & .

  12. 康说喜爱风信子还属于一种室内乐趣。但是一旦来了兴头,谁敢说你到时候不会爱上蔷薇花呢?

    And though the love of a hyacinth may be rather domestic , who can tell , the sentiment once raised , but you may in time come to love a rose ?

  13. 一种生命力很强的蔷薇,花小而多、簇生;用作绿篱以及嫁接砧木。

    Vigorously growing rose having clusters of numerous small flowers ; used for hedges and as grafting stock .

  14. 中国的一种常绿的、攀援的蔷薇属植物,花单生、黄色或白色。

    Chinese evergreen climbing rose with yellow or white single flowers .