
fán yǎn
  • multiply;increase gradually in number or quantity
蕃衍 [fán yǎn]
  • [increase gradually in number or quantity] 遂渐增多或增广

  1. 当我发觉人和草木一样蕃衍,

    When I perceive that men as plants increase ,

  2. 也有供生活和蕃衍生息的时候,

    And a time for living and for generation

  3. 假如人类对食物的品种和数量不能绝对掌握,就不能蕃衍为许多人口稠密的民族。

    Without obtaining an absolute control over both its variety and amount , they could not have multiplied into populous nations .

  4. 当我发觉人和草木一样蕃衍,任同一的天把他鼓励和阻挠,少壮时欣欣向荣,盛极又必反,繁华和璀璨都被从记忆抹掉;

    When I perceive that men as plants increase , Cheered and cheque 'd even by the self-same sky , Vaunt in their youthful sap , at height decrease , And wear their brave state out of memory ;