
xùn jūn
  • mushrooms
  1. 食用蕈菌硒多糖研究进展

    Research Progress of Polysaccharides Containing Selenium Extracted from Edible Mushrooms

  2. 野生食用蕈菌不同部位的红外光谱研究

    Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Different Parts of Wild Growing Edible Mushrooms

  3. 在液体分批培养体系中,研究了药用蕈菌姬松茸Agaricusblazei悬浮菌丝物的形态多样性及其生长特征。

    The morphology and growth of the suspending mycelia of medicinal mushroom Agaricus blazei in liquid submerged batch culture were studied .

  4. 使用专门设计的ALRff蕈菌液体培养反应器,研究了有关紫芝液体培养过程中菌丝生长的特征。

    The study was carried out to investigate the kinetic characteristics of Ganoderma sinense mycelium growth in liquid-submerged cultivation , using a air-lift bioreactor ALR / ff specially designed for the cultivation of mushrooms ' suspending mycelia cultures .

  5. 蕈菌液体生物发酵技术的研究现状与进展

    The present situation and progress of bio-fermentation Engineering Research of mushroom

  6. 四川盆地西北部蕈菌资源

    A report on the mushroom resources in northwest of Sichuan Basin

  7. 蕈菌交配型因子偏分离现象的研究进展

    Recent Studies on Segregation Distortion of Mating-type Factors in Mushroom

  8. 食用蕈菌重金属富集研究进展

    Studies on the accumulation of heavy metal in edible mushroom

  9. 甘薯渣蕈菌发酵饲料的研究

    Study on Fermenting Sweet Potato Dregs into Protein Feed with Edible Fungi

  10. 世界栽培蕈菌的种类和分类系统

    The Species and the Classification System of the Cultivated Mushroom

  11. 青海蕈菌种类资源的研究

    Study on the resources of wild mushroom in Qinghai Province

  12. 药用蕈菌姬松茸液体培养的菌丝形态学特征

    Characteristics of mycelium morphology of medicinal mushroom Agaricus blazei in liquid-submerged culture

  13. 浅论云南野生蕈菌资源及其利用

    On wild mushroom resources and their utilization in Yunnan Province , Southwest China

  14. 药用蕈菌紫芝液体培养的生长特征分析

    The Kinetic Characteristics of Mycelium Growth of Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma sinense in Liquid-submerged Cultivation

  15. 蕈菌是木质素和纤维素的分解者;

    Mushroom was decomposer of lignin and fibre .

  16. 简要综述了近年来蕈菌交配型因子偏分离的研究概况。

    Recent genetic studies on segregation distortion of mating-type factors in mushroom were reviewed .

  17. 食用蕈菌天然食品防腐剂发酵工艺的研究

    A Study on the Submerged Fermentation Technology of Edible Fungus Strains Producing Native Food Preservatives

  18. 青海药用蕈菌种类

    The species of medicinal mushroom in Qinghai

  19. 川滇山区几种野生食用蕈菌重金属含量分析

    Analysis of Heavy Metals in Some Wild Edible Mushrooms from Mountains in Sichuan and Yunan

  20. 食用菌具有营养保健功能,庭院推广种蕈菌是开发巨大的蛋白质资源。

    Edible fungi has nourishing and hygienical function , and it is huge protein resource .

  21. 蕈菌在生态环境中的作用

    Role of mushroom in ecological environment

  22. 鸡菌属菌物是一类具有商业前景的食物蕈菌。

    Termitomyces Heim ( 1941 ) is a kind of edible mushrooms with a good business prospects .

  23. 恩施州富硒生物资源的蕈菌转化研究

    A study on the mushroom transforming of the biological resources with abundant Se in Enshi Autonomous Prefecture

  24. 20年来四川食用蕈菌研究的回顾与展望

    Review of the Edible Fungi Research Progress in Sichuan Province in Recent 20 Years and Prospects in the Future

  25. 本研究对市面上常见的可食用蕈菌(蘑菇)中巯基类物质的含量作一检测。

    In this study , the content of the market in the common edible mushroom thiol substances to make a detection .

  26. 过去三年内,世界食用蕈菌年产量每年平均增加24.5%,总增加率为72.5%。

    Over the past three years , mush - room production has increased by 72.5 % , with an annual increase of 24.5 % .

  27. 本文报导了青海省药用蕈菌141种,其中105种是青海省新记录种。

    141 species of medicinal mushroom collected from Qinghai Province were described in the paper . 105 of them were new records in Qinghai Province .

  28. 提出可利用蕈菌在生态环境中的独特作用来改良污染环境,成为一条治理污染环境的新的生物途径。

    By the special role of mushroom in environment , it could be used in remedying contaminated environment , that should become a new biological way in polluted environment amendment .

  29. 由于蕈菌有高的重金属积累能力,在点源和面源污染环境中栽培蘑菇及培养菌丝体,在生物治污方面具有重要的现实意义;

    Mushroom cultivation in the environment contaminated by spot and extensive resource pollution and mushroom mycelium as accumulator of heavy metals for detoxification of contaminated effluents before their environmental discharge will be very useful ;

  30. 本研究基于巯基衍生化试剂作为探针,提出了一种利用衍生化试剂和蕈菌样品同步超声破壁提取巯基类化合物的新型样品前处理方法,并与一般样品前处理方法进行比较。

    This study is based on thiol derivatization reagent as a probe , proposed a derivatization reagent and mushroom samples synchronized ultrasonic broken extraction of thiol compounds before the new sample processing method , and compared with the general sample preparation method .