
xùn lèi
  • mushrooms
  1. 蕈类曾标榜对多种慢性病具有温和的疗效。

    Mushrooms were touted as a mild cure for many chronic disease .

  2. 我们有了蕈类,那来点肉如何阿?瞧瞧这只蛞蝓的尺寸。

    Once we had mushrooms , how about some meat ? Look at the size of the slug .

  3. 哈利只顾埋头在《千种神奇药草和蕈类》里查找“白鲜”,

    Harry , who was looking up " Dittany " in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi ,

  4. 此外,草间也发展出自己独特的“繁殖”特色,她有许多作品都以蕈类聚生的造型出现。

    In addition , Kusama has developed her own unique " breed " character , she has many of the works are to gather raw mushroom shape there .

  5. 收藏品包括动物标本、植物标本、蕈类标本、地球科学标本、古老的地图和民族学的资料、及艺术历史资料等等。

    The collection includes animal specimens , plant specimens , fungus specimens , Earth Science specimens , old maps and Ethnological materials , and materials of art history , * Etc.