- 名population size

Study on Camellia japonica population size structure and spatial pattern
The mean effective population size could be estimated as a harmonic means of the Ne .
Second , the population size structure of D. hupeana in the quadrats have no significant correlation , while Q1 and Q3 have closer correlation with studying of correlation and imitating functions .
Not only the size of An . minimus population affected IFAT positive rates , but also the length of its annual activity time and the degree of human exposure to its bite too .
Four influencing factors , chromosome length , population size , set size and generation , are considered to evaluate the efficiency of GRCM method . The result shows that GRCM method has an excellent performance .
The structure includes size class and height class .
Function of Genetic Algorithms Solution Precision to Population Size
The size class reflected the past disturbance history of population at a certain extent .
The results were useful for explaining the seasonal change in cyanophage population in freshwater .
And we gain some relations between problem dimensions and swam size according to scalability study .
Because in addition to predator-prey relationships , there are other variables that affect population size .
In this paper the evolution of bird populations is simulated as a branching process in random environments .
In addition , we observe the results can become better with swarm size increasing from the sensitivity study to swarm size .
Factors such food supply , predation and disease affect population size , and can change from year to year or season to season .
We simulated the impacts of breeding herd size , reproductive skew and numbers of breeding stags on the inbreeding coefficient of P è re David 's deer .
The size structure and distribution pattern of Picea mongolica population on sand dune and their rerlationship to eco-environment are studied by size structure in place of age structure .
Number of individuals on islands , with a range from 4 to more than 4000 , was significantly related with the area or altitude of islands . 2 .
I captured frogs entering and leaving the pond to characterise population size and structure , growth rates , size and age at sexual maturity , mortality rates and longevity .
Pattern of use for these resources was analyzed from three vegetation types by examining species-specific niche breadths , overlaps and partitions of resource utilization as well as population sizes .
Phages play important roles in the regulation of microbial population , community structure , nutrient cycling , etc. This is more significant in cold environment with less biodiversity and truncated food chain .
Metapopulation size can reach a fixed level in the recency effect and equal weighting of time lag but is statistical stability in primacy effect , which implies the primacy effect is most remarkable .
Species are first recorded in Hunan Province . The species composition , faunal , distribution , population size and ecological environment are analyzed . The economic value and exploiting prospect of the dominant species are discussed .
Earthworm activities and their functions in ecosystem are determined by various factors such as ecological groups of earthworms , population size , vegetation , parent materials of soil , climate , time scale , and history of soil utilization .
In this dissertation I bring adoptive arithmetic operators , and bring forward second step search which can jump out the local best result automatically . The algorithm converges quickly , and has satisfactory capabilities of global and local search .
Through the dynamic analysis of Abies fargesii population structure and distribution pattern , the results showed that : the diameter structure was developing and the resources of little and young trees were great , about 954 plants / hm 2 ;
The average seed mass of 7 populations are not copiously correlated both with their population size and with soil parameters in the habitats , which indicates that the average seed weight of a studied population is relatively stable and less influenced .
Quorum sensing is the regulation of gene expression in response to fluctuations in cell-population density and allows populations of bacteria to synchronize group behaviors .
Size class and distribution pattern of Castanopsis fissa population in different successional stages
Population sizes were determined by the calorific values of their realized population biomass .
The variation of seed sizes of Gordonia acuminata geographic populations and its effect on seed germination and seedling