
zhǒnɡ qún jié ɡòu
  • population structure
  1. 城市化过程中森林meta种群结构及动态分析

    Analysis of forest meta - population structure and dynamics during the urbanization

  2. 这些位点已被广泛的应用于父权的鉴定、遗传多样性和种群结构的分析、QTL定位、遗传图谱的构建等方面的研究。

    These loci hae been used in parentage determination , genetic diversity and population structure , QTL determination , genetic map construction et al .

  3. 刺槐(Robiniapseudoacacia)无性系种群结构与生长动态的研究

    A study of population structure and dynamics of Robinia pseudoacacia clones

  4. 格氏栲(CastanopsisKawakamiiHayata)种群结构与动态规律研究

    Studies on Structure and Dynamics Characteristics of Castanopsis Kawakamii Hayata Population

  5. 在高积累Ce的胁迫下放线菌、真菌、分解纤维素真菌和氨化微生物的种群结构发生了不同程度的改变。

    Under the stress of high accumulation of Ce , the population structures of actinomycetes , fungi , cellulolytic fungi and ammonifying microbes were changed in different degrees .

  6. 同时在试验过程中,利用PCR-DGGE技术对厌氧污泥中微生物种群结构进行了动态监测。

    Also , we use PCR-DGGE technology to dynamic monitor microbial communities of anaerobic sludge .

  7. 但是,人工湿地COD、氮磷去除效果与湿地内的细菌种群结构有什么联系,目前在微生物这方面研究不多。

    But , it was rarely reported what was the relationship between the effect of COD 、 N 、 P removal and the the structure of bacteria in the wetlands .

  8. 病毒WMV-2对棉蚜种群结构也有影响。

    Further , WMV-2 also changed the population structure of aphids .

  9. 采用连续放牧的方式研究了不同放牧率对大针茅(Stipagrandis)种群结构的影响。

    The experiment on the influence of continuous grazing rates on population structure of Stipa grandis was conducted over two years .

  10. 采用PCRDGGE技术,对降解PCP厌氧生物反应器污泥颗粒化过程微生物种群结构的时空分布变化特性进行了初步研究。

    The dynamics of spatial and temporal distribution of microbial populations during granulation of anaerobic sludge in PCP ( pentachlorophenol ) degrading bioreactor was investigated by PCR-DGGE .

  11. 采用PCR-DGGE技术研究净化受污染水体的潜流人工湿地中的微生物种群结构及其分布特征,考察不同盐度抑制作用下降解阿特拉津的潜流人工湿地中微生物种群结构及其分布特征。

    The microbial community and its distributing character in the constructed wetland treating polluted water and atrazine with different salinity were studied .

  12. 运用PCR-DGGE技术研究3种不同类型的潜流人工湿地中微生物种群结构,结合多样性分析和聚类分析方法,分析了人工湿地微生物种群结构特征。

    Microbial community structure was conducted with the technology of PCR-DGGE . The result was analyzed with diversity index analysis and cluster analysis .

  13. 以上结果表明,可以应用TCS来降低活性污泥工艺中的剩余污泥产量,但对污泥的种群结构有一定的影响。

    These results suggested that it might be possible to apply TCS in activated sludge systems to reduce the excess sludge production but it might influence the population in sludge .

  14. DGGE图谱显示负荷冲击前后两个厌氧反应体系中产甲烷菌种群结构发生了变化,但添加硫酸盐体系产甲烷菌群落保持了较好的多样性。

    The DGGE map shows there is a change of methanogenic bacteria communities in two anaerobic systems load shock , but in the adding sulfate system methanogenic bacteria community maintain a good diversity .

  15. PCR-DGGE分析表明,水葫芦挤压汁有机负荷的提高对厌氧微生物多样性影响不大,但影响其种群结构,尤其是产甲烷菌群结构。

    PCR-DGGE analysis displayed that OLR had little effect on anaerobic microbial diversity during the anaerobic process of water hyacinth juice , but affected their population structure , especially the structure of methanogenic bacteria .

  16. 马尾松种群结构呈倒金字塔型,幼苗缺乏,幼树只有4株·hm-2,但大树较多,达44株·hm-2;

    The population structure of P.massoniana was an inverse pyramid type , with no seedlings and only 4 saplings per hm 2 , but 44 large trees per hm 2 . The spatial distribution patterns of P.massoniana and C.

  17. 研究发现:由于人为酷捕滥捞、环境污染,黑龙江鲟鱼种群结构严重失衡、资源急剧下降(452t,1987年,120t,1999年);

    It is found that the population structure of Amur River sturgeons is unbalanced and the resources are precipitated ( 452t , 1987 : 120t , 1999 ), because of the severe fishing and environmental pollution ;

  18. 新疆盘羊种群结构与资源现状

    The population structure and present resource status of Argali in Xinjiang

  19. 果树根围的植物线虫种群结构调查

    Population Structure of Plant Nematodes in the Rhizosphere of Fruit Trees

  20. 新疆干旱地区褐家鼠种群结构特征的初步研究

    Primary Study of the Rattus Norvegicus Population Structure Characteristics in Xinjiang

  21. 刺叶栎在浙江的分布特点和种群结构的研究

    Characteristics of distribution and population structure of Quercus spinosa in Zhejiang

  22. 圆果化香芽种群结构初步研究

    Primary study on the structure of bud population for Platycarya longipes

  23. 当归根际微生物种群结构与生态分布的研究

    Population structure and ecological distribution of rhizospheric microorganisms of Angelica sinensis

  24. 新疆额尔齐斯河支流浮游植物种群结构特征

    Community Structure of Phytoplankton in The Branches of Xinjiang Ertix River

  25. 鸭、鱼混养池塘浮游生物种群结构及生态因子的初步研究

    The planktonic population structure and ecological factors in the Fish-duck pond

  26. 网箱养鱼水塘眼虫属种群结构变动研究

    The Study on Population Structure of Euglena in the Fishery-Cage FishPond

  27. 环境因子对系统内的微生物的种群结构影响显著。

    Environmental factors had extraordinary influences on the microbial community structure .

  28. 四川省小麦赤霉病菌的种群结构研究

    The Population Structure of Fusarium spp. from Wheat in Sichuan Province

  29. 降解2-氯酚厌氧污泥中微生物种群结构研究

    Study on Microbial Community Structure in Anaerobic Granular Sludge for 2-chlorophenol-degradation

  30. 城市污水处理系统中氨氧化细菌种群结构研究

    Community structures of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in different municipal wastewater treatment systems