
  • 网络Severely fragmented
  1. 再者,医疗保险的严重分割也是城乡卫生医疗服务不均等的原因。

    Further more , the serious division of medical insurance is also the cause of inequality of medical and health in urban and rural areas . 5 .

  2. 作为经典图像分割方法,分水岭算法被广泛运用,却存在严重过分割问题。

    As a classical image segmentation method , watershed has been widely used , but existing serious over-segmentation problem .

  3. 国宝大熊猫正面临日益严重的栖息地分割威胁。

    The threat to the country 's signature animal is caused by the increasing fragmentation of its living areas .

  4. 中国的股票市场同样存在着严重的市场分割,本国企业可发行专门供国内投资者和国外投资者交易的两种股票,前者为A股,后者为B股或H股,B股在境内上市,H股在香港上市。

    In China 's stock market , a local firm issues two classes of shares : A shares are open only to local investors and B shares ( H shares ) are open only to foreign investors .

  5. A+H股双重上市公司股票价格在两个市场存在的巨大差异,意味着两个市场间的套利行为受到极大限制,也说明A、H股市场存在着严重的市场分割。

    When a stock is listed in both A-shares market and H-shares market in China , there is a price gap between the two markets . It means arbitrage is limited and there is heavy market segmentation in these markets .

  6. 但是,随着图像分割在各个领域中得到越来越广泛的应用,传统的图像分割方法的局限性严重影响了图像分割的效果。

    However , with the image segmentation in various fields getting more and more widely used , the traditional limitations of image segmentation methods has seriously affected the image segmentation results .