
  • 网络strict isolation
  1. 每日两次测量体温,在出现发烧时,建议立即住院,并严密隔离。

    Their body temperature should be checked twice a day , with immediate hospitalization and strict isolation in case of the onset of fever .

  2. 他强调在Haskell中,“任何有可能改变系统全局状态的事物都被严密隔离”,并“用类型系统标记出来”。

    He highlights that in Haskell ," the things that can possibly change the state of the world are tightly isolated " and " marked with the type system " .

  3. 建立完整的管理体系和严密的消毒隔离制度,可防止外源性感染;合理应用抗生素与严格无菌技术,可预防医源性感染。

    Strict disinfection and sterillization can prevent extrinsic and iatrogenic infection .

  4. 进一步完善资本市场,建立严密的业务隔离机制和联合监管新体制,将是我们防范和化解此类风险的必然选择。

    Further improving capital market , setting up strict business isolation system and the new system of combined supervision and administration will be our necessary choices for preventing and getting rid of the risks .

  5. 护理上除采取各种先进的综合重症监护技术和护理外,科学而有效的呼吸道管理技术,心理护理,严密的消毒隔离以及自我防护措施尤为重要。

    On nursing besides various advanced comprehensive critical monitering technology and nursing , the scientific and effective management technology on respiratory tract , psychological care , strick sterilization and isolation as well as self-preventive measure are particularly important .