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yán zhòng
  • serious;severity;grave;major;critical;grievous;profundity
严重 [yán zhòng]
  • (1) [serious;grave]∶不容易解决的、很重要或很有影响的

  • 严重的问题是教育农民

  • 严重错误

  • (2) [grievous]∶惨重的;令人极其悲痛或恼怒的

  • 严重损失

  • 严重人体伤害

  • (3) [critical]∶情势危急的

  • 严重关头

严重[yán zhòng]
  1. 这个党内部存在着严重对立的派别。

    There were serious divisions within the party 's own ranks .

  2. 你说得对,我们有严重困难。

    As you rightly say , we have a serious problem .

  3. 汽车严重损坏,但车内人员安然无恙。

    The car was badly damaged but the occupants were unhurt .

  4. 医生安慰他说,没什么严重的病。

    The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong .

  5. 仓库失火使得事态更为严重。

    Matters were made worse by a fire in the warehouse .

  6. 总统的健康正引起公众的严重关切。

    The President 's health was giving serious cause for concern .

  7. 地貌彻底改变,严重损害了野生动物。

    The landscape has been radically altered , severely damaging wildlife .

  8. 党内对于这场战争存在着严重的分歧。

    There are deep divisions in the party over the war .

  9. 这可能对国家的经济造成严重破坏。

    This could cause serious damage to the country 's economy .

  10. 我被困在最严重的一次大塞车之中。

    I got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams .

  11. 对这样严重的违法行为,我们决不能视若无睹。

    We could not afford to overlook such a serious offence .

  12. 她挫伤严重,但骨骼完好。

    She suffered severe bruising , but no bones were broken .

  13. 我们没有充分认识到他的病情很严重。

    We didn 't fully appreciate that he was seriously ill .

  14. 如果不采取任何措施后果将会是非常严重的。

    The consequences will be very grave if nothing is done .

  15. 那一个失误就严重地危及了公司的未来。

    That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company .

  16. 这起诉讼案件将严重损害我的生意。

    The court case will do serious harm to my business .

  17. 我猜400,结果证明是严重的低估。

    My guess of 400 proved to be a serious underestimate .

  18. 日益严重的失业问题对政府来说是一枚政治上的定时炸弹。

    Rising unemployment is a political time bomb for the government .

  19. 这些政策可能引起严重的经济和社会混乱。

    These policies could cause severe economic and social dislocation .

  20. 这个报告承认了问题的严重性。

    This report is an acknowledgement of the size of the problem .

  21. 本赛季该队已经几次严重受挫。

    The team has taken a few beatings this season .

  22. 通货膨胀是影响经济复苏的严重障碍。

    The level of inflation is a serious impediment to economic recovery .

  23. 他偶尔会犯错误,但不怎么严重。

    He makes the odd mistake ─ nothing too serious .

  24. 你会被严重晒伤的。

    You 're heading for a bad attack of sunburn .

  25. 壁虱可传播危害人类的严重疾病。

    Ticks can carry a nasty disease which affects humans .

  26. 恒河泛滥时造成严重损害。

    When the Ganges floods , it causes considerable damage .

  27. 处罚根据罪行的严重程度而有所不同。

    Punishment varies according to the gravity of the offence .

  28. 我希望你能认识到这一罪行的严重性。

    I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime .

  29. 目前的危机比以往任何一次危机都严重。

    The present crisis is worse than any that have gone before .

  30. 耕作方法的改变严重影响了这个地区的就业。

    Changes in farming methods have badly affected employment in the area .