
  1. 喷涂高温封严涂层对航空发动机性能的影响

    Effect of High Temperature Sealing Coating on the Performance of Aeroengine

  2. 严羽对古典唐诗学的建构及其贡献

    On Yanyu 's Construction and Contribution to Classical Tang Poems ' Study

  3. 轮毂封严气体对高压涡轮二次流动的影响

    Effects of coolant injection from rim seals on secondary flow in a high-pressure turbine

  4. 在排球考试中应改变对技术严而对理论宽的现象。

    The phenomenon that volleyball technique examination is strict and that volleyball theory examination is loose must be changed .

  5. 这条法律应当加严,对犯罪分子决不能只是轻摸轻打一下。

    This law ought to be tighter : it mustn 't give the criminals just a slap on the wrist !

  6. 实践证明,喷涂耐高温封严涂层对提高发动机性能是可行的。

    It is shown that the high temperature sealing coatings by spraying can be used to increase the aeroengine performance .

  7. 随着车辆制造技术的进步和汽车排放控制法规的逐步加严,对汽油机瞬态工况下的排放测量变得越来越迫切。

    With the advancement of the vehicle manufacturing technology and the gradually strict emission control regulations , it becomes very necessary to inspect emissions of automobile under transient working-conditions .

  8. 市场需求的变化和国家安全、环保、节能法规的日益加严,对农用运输车提出了新的更高的技术要求。

    The changing of market need and the amending of the state legislation in safety , environment protection and energy sources economy , makes the farm transporter technique develop to a high level .

  9. 其中,融资租赁经营机构是否只能是金融机构的争论以及因此带来的进入门槛、监管宽严问题对融资租赁的发展尤其关键。

    The controversy whether lease business is only the financial institutions or not and the problems of the barrier to entry and strict or loose regulatory caused by the controversy , is critical for the development of finance lease .

  10. ITV还为中国提供互联网新闻节目,新闻播音员张同严称休斯顿对中国观众有很吸引人的一面。

    ITV also offers an Internet news program for China , where news announcer Tongyan Zhang said there is great interest in Houston .

  11. 我们说治军要严,首先对领导班子要严,对高级干部要严。

    When we say we should be strict in running the army , we mean first of all being strict with the leading bodies and senior cadres .

  12. 本文拟尝试以法益分析的方法从民法学之生命权和人格尊严权角度对安乐死做一初步考量。

    This article attempts to apply the analysis by legal inter - est to the research of euthanasia from the aspects of natural man 's right of life and personal dignity .

  13. 但由于《证据规定》对新的证据界定失之过严,法官对实体正义和程序正义的理解与选择不一致,造成司法实践中对新的证据的适用较混乱。

    But the limitation of new evidence is too stringent , in addition , the different choices and inconsistent understanding for substantive justice and procedural justice among judges , caused the judicial practice a more chaotic application of the new evidence .

  14. 一位名叫余琳的导游接受采访时表示,尽管价格贵一些,但是相比国产中药,“洋中药”规范化程度更高,受到的监管更严,消费者对其质量更放心。

    Although a bit more expensive , consumers are more confident about the quality of overseas Chinese traditional medicines because of higher standards and better supervision compared to those made in China , a tour guide named Yu Lin told the paper .

  15. 娇惯子女的父母冒着宠坏孩子的危险;程序不严纪律散漫;对孩子过于纵容。

    Indulgent parents risk spoiling their children ; procedures are lax and discipline is weak ; too soft on the children .

  16. 尽管这种风险向来有所夸大,但总的说来,英国政府利用这一机会来严控支出是对的前提是经济增长果真如预测人士所料的那样加速。

    Though that danger was always exaggerated , the government is , on balance , right to use the opportunity to rein in spending provided that growth in fact picks up as forecasters predict .

  17. 摩西把约瑟的骸骨一同带去;因为约瑟曾叫以色列人严严地起誓,对他们说:“上帝必眷顾你们,你们要把我的骸骨从这里一同带上去。”

    Moses took the bones of Joseph with him because Joseph had made the sons of Israel swear on oath . He had said , " God will surely come to your aid , and then you must carry my bones up with you from this place . "