
  • 网络Hirohisa Fujii
  1. 日本新任财务大臣藤井裕久(hirohisafujii)已表示,日元走强可赋予日本消费者更大的购买力,这可能提振日本的消费支出,减轻该国经济增长对出口的依赖。

    Hirohisa Fujii , the new finance minister , has said that a stronger yen could give shoppers more buying power , which could boost consumer spending , reducing reliance on exports for economic growth .

  2. 藤井裕久对记者表示:丧失对市场的信心将损害我们的国家利益。

    Mr Fujii told reporters : Losing the confidence of the market would be damaging to our national interests .

  3. 此前,藤井裕久表示,当前美元兑日元汇率的走势“不算反常”。

    The jump came after Mr Fujii said that current moves in the dollar-yen exchange rate were " not abnormal " .

  4. 随后,藤井裕久似乎有些退缩,坚称自己希望汇率稳定,且从未说过不会对日元不断走强采取措施。

    Later , Mr Fujii appeared to backtrack , insisting that he hoped for foreign exchange stability and that he had never said he would not act in the face of a rising yen .

  5. 在藤井裕久表示希望辞职的第二天,前国家战略担当大臣、鸠山由纪夫的亲密盟友菅直人就被任命为财务大臣。

    The appointment of Mr Kan , formerly state minister for national strategy , and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama , comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit .

  6. 藤井裕久早些时候曾表示,强势日元可以使日本消费者拥有更大的购买力,有助于鼓励经济的再平衡,使之摆脱长期依赖出口的经济增长模式。

    Mr Fujii had earlier said that a strong yen could give Japanese consumers greater buying power and help to encourage a rebalancing of the economy away from its long-standing dependence on exports for growth .

  7. 藤井裕久住院之际,正值鸠山政府艰难执政近4个月该政府一直受到失业率上升、经济低迷和政治献金丑闻的困扰。

    Mr Fujii 's illness comes at the end of a difficult first four months for Mr Hatoyama 's government , which has been battered by rising unemployment , a slumping economy and political funding scandals .

  8. 尽管人们预期藤井裕久不会长期住院,但外界肯定会质疑:以他的年龄,藤井裕久是否能够继续担任压力最大的内阁职位之一。

    Although he is not expected to stay in hospital for long , questions are bound to be raised about whether at his age Mr Fujii will be able to continue serving in one of the most demanding posts in the cabinet .