
  • 网络phycobilin;phycobelin
  1. 体内,藻胆色素的正确连接一般都需要特异的裂合酶来催化完成。

    In vivo , the correct attachment of most chromophores is catalyzed by lyases , of which only few have hitherto been characterized .

  2. 测定了正常生长和退色紫菜中的光合色素叶绿素、类胡萝卜素及藻胆色素蛋白,包括藻红蛋白、藻蓝蛋白和变藻蓝蛋白的含量;

    The contents of photosynthetic pigments , chlorophyll , carotenoid and phycobiliproteins such as phycoerythrin , phycocyanin and allophycocyanin in normal and in discolored edible laver were determined .

  3. 藻胆蛋白色素肽与癌光啉光敏作用的比较实验

    Comparison Experiment of Photosensitive Effect between Phycobiliprotein Chromophore Peptide and Photofrin ⅱ

  4. 线性四毗咯色素在藻胆蛋白、光敏色素等色素蛋白中起着吸收光能的作用,并以此调节光合作用和光形态发生。

    Linear tetrapyrrole pigments play a very important role in the absorption of light energy in phycobiliproteins and phytochrome to regulate photosynthesis and photomorphogenesis , especially as the chromophore of fluorescent proteins ( FPs ) .