
zǎo jiāo
  • algal reef
藻礁[zǎo jiāo]
  1. 利用钢渣制造的人工藻礁构建人工藻场,用于恢复受损的海洋生态系统、解决海水富营养化问题是目前国际上的研究热点。

    Utilization of steel slag made artificial algal reef to construct artificial algal field will be international central issue to rebuild damaged marine ecology system and solve the seawater eutrophication .

  2. 贵州紫云晚石炭世叶状藻礁中有机质含量高,此次在藻礁灰岩成岩作用方面的研究,为以后探索研究区礁型油气藏的储层特征提供了成岩方面的资料。

    The phylloid algal reef in Ziyun has high organic matter content , this research on diagenesis of reef offers data for exploring on the reservoir characteristics of reef oil and gas .

  3. 成矿前和成矿期的海底火山活动带来了Mn、Co、Ni、V等,藻礁捕获成矿元素形成地球化学异常和矿体。

    Metallic substances , Mn , Co , Ni and V , were introduced in by the submarine volcanic activities before and during the metallizing phase , and the geochemical anomalies and ore bodies are produced by the metallogenic elements captured by algae reefs .

  4. 柴达木盆地古近纪&新近纪湖相叠层石与藻礁的沉积组合特征与意义

    Miocene Stromatolites Associated with Lacustrine Algal Reefs : Qaidam Basin , China

  5. 黔南晚石炭世叶状藻礁灰岩的成岩作用

    Diagenesis of Late Carboniferous phylloid algal reefs in southern Guizhou

  6. 桂林地区上泥盆统藻礁

    Upper Devonian algal reefs in the Guilin area

  7. 贵州紫云石炭纪叶状藻礁:藻类繁盛的标志

    Carboniferous Phylloid Algal Reefs in Ziyun County , Guizhou ( South China ): Evidence of Algal Blooms

  8. 其中藻礁储集性能最佳,对生物礁储层影响较大的成岩作用有白云岩化、同生胶结、大气渗流溶蚀及深埋藏溶蚀作用。

    Dolomitization , consortium cementation , atmosphere seepage corrosion and deep embedding effect have great influence on the property of reef reservoir .

  9. 蠕虫很可能参与了基底的建造,并成为叶状藻礁的先驱。

    The worm may be taked part in the construction of buildup substrate , and they are the pioneer of phylloid algal buildup .

  10. 叶状藻礁在沉积环境频繁变化作用下,与碎屑滩相、灰泥相共同形成独特的沉积序列。

    A unique depositional sequence consists of phylloid algal buildups , bioclastic banks and mud facies affected by frequent changes of depositional environments .

  11. 本文首次开展了研究区叶状藻礁灰岩微相特征和成岩作用的研究,弥补了研究上的空白,具有一定的理论意义。

    In this paper we first study the microfacies characteristics and diagenesis of phylloid alga reef rocks , making up the researching blank .

  12. 渔塘铅锌矿床产于寒武纪碳酸盐岩中,主要受构造、岩性和藻礁相控制。

    The occurrence of the Yutang lead and zinc-sulfide deposit in the Cambrian carbonate rocks is controlled mainly by tectonic , lithologic and algae reef factors .

  13. 西沙海域晚新生代生物礁主要是植物藻礁,其次为珊瑚礁。

    The Late-Cenozoic reef in Xisha sea area is mainly plant algae one , and secondly coral one , and the latter are mostly found in Quaternary .

  14. 根据国内外生物礁的分类标准,对野外勘查、岩心和测井资料的分析表明,柴达木盆地西部生物礁主要为藻礁、叠层石礁和凝块石礁。

    According to the reef classification criteria at home and abroad , the reef in Qaidam Basin can be classified into three main types including algal , stromatolite and thrombolite reefs by means of the field survey , core and logging analyses .

  15. 湖北宜昌下奥陶统分乡组藻-海绵礁

    Algal - sponge reefs in Lower Ordovician Fengxiang formation , yichang , hubei

  16. 沉积层序表明藻-海绵礁是一个由浅变深的演化序列,以沙浪底形为礁基,并在生长过程中强化了此一形态。

    The depositional sequence of the algal & sponge reefs suggests a evolution series starting from shallow to deep .