
zǎo sī
  • trichome;algal filament
藻丝[zǎo sī]
  1. 结果表明阳光UVR严重抑制生长、光系统Ⅱ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、降低藻丝长度并抑制异形胞分化。

    The results show that solar UVR severely inhibited growth and maximum quantum yield of PSII ( Fv / Fm ), reduced trichome length and depressed the differentiation of heterocysts .

  2. 观察了螺旋藻生长过程中藻丝和杂菌的生长规律,发现中性细菌和碱性细菌的数量始终是藻丝的105~106倍。

    Growth patterns of trichome and contaminative bacteria in Spirulina sp. liquid culture were observed , and it was found that the number of neutral and alkalophilic bacteria was always 105 ~ 106 times of that of Spirulina sp. trichome .

  3. 在强PAR照射下,最初发生光抑制,随后生长和最大光化学效率都逐步恢复,而且异形胞分化能力增强,并干扰了正常的异形胞分裂模式,使藻丝体中形成相邻异形胞。

    Following an initial inhibition under high PAR , growth and maximum quantum yield were stimulated , and heterocyst formation was enhanced and high PAR interfered with the normal pattern of heterocyst differentiation with contiguous heterocysts formed in filaments .

  4. 以钝顶螺旋藻为研究材料,分别研究了螺旋藻在1000lx光照和3000lx光照下的生长速率,藻丝形态,色素,藻蓝蛋白等生理生化特性。

    In this study , Spirulina platensis is used as research materials , research the growth rate of Spirulina platensis , morphological , pigment , phycocyanin , physiological and biochemical characteristics and the effect of different light intensity on morphological .

  5. 这个生物群落包括浮游的球形体、底栖的藻丝体和瓶状微化石。

    This assemblage consists of planktonic spheroids , benthic filaments and vase-shaped microfossils .

  6. 有重点地实现科技的跨越式发展藻丝的营养细胞是扁平的,具异形胞。

    Development of S & T The filament possesses oblate cell for nutrition and heterocyst .

  7. 钝顶螺旋藻两种藻丝体的差异膜蛋白分析及肌动蛋白类似物的初步研究

    Differential Analysis of Membrane Proteins Expressed in Two Morphologic Filaments and Preliminary Study of Actin-like Protein in Spirulina Platensis

  8. 不同烤烟品种烟叶腺毛密度的差异性藻丝体末端形态多样。

    Study on Trichome Density of Various Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves The end of the trichome is in variety of shspes .

  9. 在液体培养基中,不同光照与温度条件下,对这些单离的细胞或藻丝段进行了培养,并对其形态与生长进行了研究。

    They were cultured in liquid medium under different light and temperature conditions , and their morphology and growth were investigated .

  10. 钝顶螺旋藻不同形态藻丝体的蛋白质表达和生理差异的比较研究褐藻的一个小科;马尾藻;生于海岸岩石上的海草。

    Study on Protein Expression and Physiological Differences Among Four Morphologic Filaments of Spirulina platensis small family of brown algae : gulfweeds ; rockweeds .

  11. 无论受体是藻丝还是单细胞/藻丝段,钝顶螺旋藻S6-4在对数生长期内,半致死电场强度无显著差别。

    To the filament recipient and single / short filament recipient , there were no obvious difference at the half lethal field strength during the logarithmic phase .

  12. 结果表明:三个辐照时间都对藻丝形态产生影响,使藻丝长、螺旋数、螺旋长发生变化;

    The results showed : three does of LD laser affected the filaments morphology , the length of filament and thread pitch and helix numbers were variety compare to initial strain .

  13. 经抗寒锻炼的丝状体有一定的存活率;在适于形成膨大藻丝的条件下,丝状体存活率最高,可达60%以上.藻丝的营养细胞是扁平的,具异形胞。

    The conchocelis under the condition which is fit to form sporangial branchlets has the highest survival rate reaching more than 60 % . The filament possesses oblate cell for nutrition and heterocyst .

  14. 与此同时,还比较了悬浮培养和静置培养的实验结果,显示前者的丝状藻丝有比后者高得多的生长率,更适合于生产性应用。

    Meanwhile , contrasting results of suspending culture with that of stilling-culture , it is shown that the former has much higher growth rate and is more suitable for application than the latter .

  15. 螺旋藻A9藻株在经过超声波处理40s后,藻丝段平均长度在1.47个细胞,且再生能力较好,适于进行诱变研究。

    The average length of the fragments of A9 strain was about 1.47 cells after 40s ' pretreated by ultrasonics , and these fragments still had a perfect regeneration ability , so it was a suitable materials to mutation study .