
zǎo suān yán
  • alginate
  1. 藻酸盐微球的制备及其对共培养的MSCs的影响

    Preparation of alginate beads and their effect on co-cultured MSCs

  2. 结论以藻酸盐载体材料负载BMSCs移植可修复关节软骨损伤。

    Conclusion BMSCs embedded in alginate can promote the repair of articular cartilage defects .

  3. 目的:为了合理使用藻酸钙凝胶于可注射组织工程骨中,对藻酸盐溶胶的pH值和藻酸钙凝胶的机械强度进行测定。

    AIM : To measure the pH of alginate solution and mechanical properties of alginate gels so as to apply calcium alginate gels in injectable tissue engineered bone reasonably .

  4. 结论:CHA和藻酸盐均是较好的骨组织工程支架材料,复合成骨细胞后可构建特定形态和可注射组织工程骨。

    Conclusion : Both alginate calcium and CHA can be used as scaffolds of tissue engineered bone .

  5. 结论60Co照射消毒和高压蒸汽消毒都可以使藻酸盐溶胶pH值下降,使用前应作pH值调整;

    CONCLUSION : Both sterilization methods and way of 60Co radiation can cause the decrease in the pH of alginate solution and pH regulation is necessary before usage .

  6. 结果:两种藻酸盐免疫组家兔的血CIC水平皆较处理前及生理盐水对照组显著增高,BALF培养无细菌生长。

    Results : the serum CIC levels were increased significantly in B and C groups , and there were little bacterial colonies in BALF of all groups .

  7. 方法:应用藻酸盐-粘液型铜绿假单胞菌接种免疫抑制SD大鼠,制备肺部细菌生物被膜感染病理模型;

    Method : The animal model of biofilm associated chronic pulmonary infection was established by inoculating alginate - Pseudomonas aeruginosa to cortisone - treated rats . Biofilm model in vitro was established by the modified plate culture method .

  8. 方法:在60mm×30mm×30mm体积的不锈钢模块上用藻酸盐印模材料制取阴模60个,分成2组,每组30个。

    Methods : 60 alginate impressions with the volume of 60mm × 30mm × 30mm were divided into 2 groups , 30 in each .

  9. 【结论】PMMA对藻酸盐凝胶系统中培养的椎间盘细胞活性、基质胶原及多糖代谢影响最为明显,SF/CPC较CPC对椎间盘组织有更好的生物相容性,对椎间盘代谢的干扰最小。

    【 Conclusion 】 PMMA significantly inhibits the cell viability , metabolism of proteoglycan and collagen of the intervertebral disc cultured in the alginate gel system . Compared to CPC , SF / CPC presents a better biocompatibility with intervertebral disc .

  10. 凝固膨胀率为0.23%;HX-I代型材料与琼脂和硅橡胶印模材料均有良好的相容性,但与藻酸盐印模材料相容性差。

    The compatibility with impression materials was excellent between HX I die material and agar or silicone rubber respectively , but the compatibility was bad between HX I die material and alginate .

  11. 使用7000μW/cm2的紫外线分别照射5s、10s、15s和20s,硅橡胶印模上的细菌数明显少于藻酸盐印模(P<0.01)。

    With ultraviolet irradiation at 7 000 μ W / cm2 for 5,10,15 and 20 s , the number of residual bacteria on the silicone rubber impression was significantly less than on the alginate impression ( P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 用读数显微镜测量浸泡后各时段印模材料的线性长度。结果:除硅橡胶外,藻酸盐及聚醚印模材料在使用IMPRESEPT消毒溶液浸泡前的体积与浸泡后各时段都有显著的统计学差异(P<0.05)。

    Results There was no significant difference the linearity change of dimension of silastic impression materials when impressions were immersed in disinfectant ( IMPRESEPT )( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 琼酯和藻酸盐印模材联合印模法在冠桥修复中的应用

    Agar / alginate combination impression used in crown and bridge restoration

  14. 兔髁状突软骨细胞藻酸盐凝胶三维培养体系的建立

    Establishment of alginate three-dimensional culture system for rabbit mandibular condylar chondrocytes

  15. 方法应用免疫方法制备藻酸盐抗血清;

    METHODS Antibody-serum of alginate was acquired by routine immunity method .

  16. 藻酸盐敷料治疗皮肤溃疡的疗效观察

    Observation on the Therapeutic Effects of Alginate Dressing for Skin Ulcer

  17. 寒天琼脂和藻酸盐类联合印模法在桩核烤瓷冠中的应用

    Clinical using of combined impression method in post and core PFM crowns

  18. 玉洁新消毒液调拌藻酸盐印模材临床效果评价

    To evaluate the effect of triclosan disinfection on the alginates impression materials

  19. 藻酸盐印模材料流动性能的比较研究

    Comparative study on the flow property of alginate impression materials

  20. 结果:藻酸盐凝胶三维培养体系中的髁状突软骨细胞生长状态良好;

    Results : The chondrocytes cultured in the alginate medium grew well .

  21. 无细胞的藻酸盐凝胶做为对照。

    The alginate gel without stable cells was made control .

  22. 抗生素对铜绿假单胞菌产生藻酸盐的影响

    The effect of antibiotics on alginate production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

  23. 对照组只注入藻酸盐。

    In the control group only alginate gelatin was injected .

  24. 藻酸盐敷料治疗褥疮的疗效观察及护理

    Observation on the therapeutic effects of alginate dressing for bedsore and nursing

  25. 这种预糊化面粉有时也混合以瓜尔豆面粉或褐藻酸盐。

    Such pregelatinized flours are sometimes blended with guar flour or alginates .

  26. 添加抗菌剂藻酸盐印模材料复制精度的研究

    Study on dimensional accuracy of dental alginate impression materials impregnated with antimicrobial agents

  27. 间充质干细胞在藻酸盐微球溶液中增殖和分化的实验研究

    Proliferation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in alginate beads solution in vitro

  28. 几种消毒剂对藻酸盐印模材料的消毒效果

    Bactericidal effect of several disinfectants on alginate impression material

  29. 藻酸盐诱发的免疫反应对腮腺腺细胞作用的实验研究

    Effect of The Immune Reaction By Biofilm On Parotid Acinar Cell in vitro

  30. 同时,藻酸盐还有其他一些性能和用途。

    But it also has other properties and uses .