
hǔ wēi
  • prowess;frightful appearance of a tiger;general's power and prestige;fear-inspiring prowess
虎威 [hǔ wēi]
  • [general's power and prestige;fear-inspiring prowess] 指武将的威风

虎威[hǔ wēi]
  1. 论黄虎威钢琴组曲《巴蜀之画》的分析与演奏教学

    On the Piano HW Huang , " Bashu Painting of " Teaching and Performance Analysis

  2. 12%虎威微胶囊防除大豆田阔叶杂草试验

    The Control Effect of Broad - leaved Weeds with 12 % Fomesafen ME in Soybean Field

  3. 虎威及其混剂防除大豆田阔叶杂草试验效果初报

    Preliminary Report on the Control Effect of Broad-leaved Weeds with Fomesafen and the Mixed Herbicide in Soybean Field

  4. 2010年,大连虎威国际贸易有限公司,荣获“2010上海世博民营企业联合200强”企业资格证书!

    In2010 , the company was granted with certificate of Top200 Private Companies Coalition of2010 Shanghai World Expo .

  5. 通过提供不同外界环境条件的方法,研究了土壤含水量、播种深度及除草剂虎威对鸭跖草出苗的影响。

    The effects of different soil water content , depth of sowing and dose of fomesafen on dayflower emergence were studied .

  6. 黄虎威的作品包含了声乐、器乐等多个种类,他的艺术歌曲无论在创作手法、和声布局、曲式结构等各个方面,都进行了不同程度的探索与创新。

    For composing art songs , he has had explored and innovated from the aspects of composing technique , harmonic layout and melody structure at varying degrees .

  7. 首先,从介绍黄虎威的生平作品及创作风格着手,通过分析黄虎威的创作特点引出《巴蜀之画》的创作。

    First of all , from the introduction of the life of HW Huang works and started writing style . By analyzing the characteristics of Huang HW leads to the creation " of the painting Bashu " creative .